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De Bello Gallico, Liber Primus 49-51

English and Chinese Commentary

May 21, 2023

[49] Ubi eum castris se tenere Caesar intellexit, ne diutius commeatu prohiberetur, ultra eum locum, quo in loco Germani consederant, circiter passus DC ab his, castris idoneum locum delegit acieque triplici instructa ad eum locum venit. Primam et secundam aciem in armis esse, tertiam castra munire iussit.

Eng: When Caesar realized that Ariovistus was holding his position in the camp and to avoid being cut off from supplies any longer, he chose a suitable location approximately 600 paces away from the place where the Germans had taken their stand. He arrived at that spot with his army formed into three battle lines. He ordered the first and second lines to be armed for battle, while the third line was tasked with fortifying the camp.

华文: 当凯撒意识到阿里奥维斯固守营地,为了不再受到补给的阻碍,他选择了距离德意志人所驻地点大约600步的适宜地点,组织了三线阵势前往该地。他命令第一和第二线持有武器,第三线负责建立营寨。

Commentary: The mention of a triple line of troops indicates the strength and preparedness of Caesar's forces. This arrangement was a common military tactic known as acies triplex and had been used in the earlier battle against the Helvetii.

The construction of a camp by the third line of troops demonstrates Caesar's attention to ensuring the safety and stability of his forces during their operations. Building a fortified camp provided a secure base for the soldiers and facilitated their logistical needs.


[Hic locus ab hoste circiter passus DC, uti dictum est, aberat.] Eo circiter hominum XVI milia expedita cum omni equitatu Ariovistus misit, quae copiae nostros terrerent et munitione prohiberent. Nihilo setius Caesar, ut ante constituerat, duas acies hostem propulsare, tertiam opus perficere iussit. Munitis castris duas ibi legiones reliquit et partem auxiliorum, quattuor reliquas legiones in castra maiora reduxit.

Eng: Approximately 600 paces separated this location from the enemy, as mentioned before. Around 16,000 light-armed infantry and all of Ariovistus' cavalry were sent there to intimidate and hinder our fortification efforts. However, Caesar, as he had planned earlier, ordered two of his battle lines to repel the enemy while the third line completed the fortification. After securing the camp, he left two legions and a portion of the auxiliary forces there, while he himself led the remaining four legions back to the larger camp.

华文: 【这个地方据敌人约有600步远,如前所述。】阿里奥维斯派遣了大约16,000名轻装步兵和全部骑兵到那里,这支部队的目的是恐吓我们的军队并阻止我们的工事建设。然而,不管怎样,凯撒按照之前的决定,命令前两线击退敌人,第三线完成工事建设。在完成工事后,他留下了两个军团和一部分辅助部队在那里,将其他四个军团调回了主营。

Commentary: The term "duas acies" means "two lines of troops," and "tertiam opus" refers to the third line completing the fortification. The phrase "castra maiora" translates to "larger camp."


[50] Proximo die instituto suo Caesar ex castris utrisque copias suas eduxit paulumque a maioribus castris progressus aciem instruxit hostibusque pugnandi potestatem fecit. Ubi ne tum quidem eos prodire intellexit, circiter meridiem exercitum in castra reduxit. Tum demum Ariovistus partem suarum copiarum, quae castra minora oppugnaret, misit. Acriter utrimque usque ad vesperum pugnatum est. Solis occasu suas copias Ariovistus multis et inlatis et acceptis vulneribus in castra reduxit.

Eng: On the following day, as planned, Caesar led his forces out of the camps and advanced a short distance away from the main camp. He formed his battle line and offered the enemy an opportunity to engage in combat. However, even at that point, he realized that they were not willing to come forward. Around noon, he led the army back into the camp. It was only then that Ariovistus sent a portion of his forces to attack the smaller camp. Fierce fighting ensued on both sides until evening. At sunset, Ariovistus withdrew his troops to the camp, having suffered and inflicted numerous casualties.

华文: 在第二天按照他的计划,凯撒将自己的部队从营地中带出,并稍稍远离主营地,组织成阵列,并给敌人战斗的机会。当他意识到即使在那个时候他们也没有出来时,大约在正午左右,他将军队带回了营地。然后,阿里乌斯图斯派遣了他的一部分军队攻击较小的营地。激烈的战斗一直持续到黄昏。日落时,阿里乌斯图斯带领他的部队多次受伤,他们受到的伤害和造成的伤害都很严重,于是撤退回了营地。

Commentary: The decision to engage in combat was likely to be based on the raised morale of the troops after Caesar's earlier speech as well as their treatment during the diplomatic meeting. This shows his military acumen to capitalise on this opportunity and to face Ariovistus head on.


Cum ex captivis quaereret Caesar quam ob rem Ariovistus proelio non decertaret, hanc reperiebat causam, quod apud Germanos ea consuetudo esset ut matres familiae eorum sortibus et vaticinationibus declararent utrum proelium committi ex usu esset necne; eas ita dicere: non esse fas Germanos superare, si ante novam lunam proelio contendissent.

Eng: When Caesar inquired from the captives why Ariovistus was refusing to engage in battle, he discovered the following reason: among the Germans, it was their custom for the matrons of their families to determine through lots and divination whether it was auspicious or not to join the battle. They declared that it was not permitted for the Germans to surpass their opponents if they engaged in battle before the new moon.

华文: 凯撒询问俘虏时为什么阿里乌斯图斯不愿意进行战斗,得知原因是在日耳曼人中有一种习俗,即他们的家庭妇女通过抽签和占卜来预示是否应该发动战斗。她们这样说道:如果在新月之前进行战斗,日耳曼人超越是不被允许的。

Commentary: The phrase "ea consuetudo esset ut matres familiae eorum sortibus et vaticinationibus declararent" translates to "it was a custom among them that the wives of their leaders would declare through lots and divination." The wives were also known as Matres Familiae.

The matres familiae would use different divinatory techniques, such as lots and vaticination, to gain insights into the future and determine the course of action, such as whether to engage in a battle or not. Lots involved casting or drawing marked objects, such as stones or sticks, and interpreting their pattern or arrangement to reveal the desired information. Vaticination referred to the act of making predictions or obtaining divine messages through signs, omens, or other forms of oracular practices.

[51] Postridie eius diei Caesar praesidio utrisque castris quod satis esse visum est reliquit, alarios omnes in conspectu hostium pro castris minoribus constituit, quod minus multitudine militum legionariorum pro hostium numero valebat, ut ad speciem alariis uteretur; ipse triplici instructa acie usque ad castra hostium accessit.

Eng: On the following day, Caesar left a sufficient garrison for the protection of both camps. He stationed all the auxiliary cavalry in front of the smaller camp, which appeared to the enemy as if they had a larger number of troops, since the auxiliary cavalry could be used for show. Caesar himself, with his army formed in three battle lines, advanced towards the enemy's camp.

华文: 凯撒从俘虏口中询问为何阿里乌斯图斯不愿意打仗,他得知了以下原因:在日耳曼人中存在这样的习俗,即他们的家庭妇女通过抽签和占卜来宣布是否应该参与战斗;她们这样说:如果在新月之前进行战斗,日耳曼人将无法战胜敌人。

Commentary: Caesar left a sufficient garrison in both camps and stationed his auxiliary cavalry (alarii) in front of the smaller camp to create the illusion of a larger force.

By deploying the auxiliary cavalry, Caesar aimed to compensate for the smaller number of his legionary soldiers compared to the enemy's forces and to deceive the enemy regarding his troop strength.


Tum demum necessario Germani suas copias castris eduxerunt generatimque constituerunt paribus intervallis, Harudes, Marcomanos, Tribocos, Vangiones, Nemetes, Sedusios, Suebos, omnemque aciem suam raedis et carris circumdederunt, ne qua spes in fuga relinqueretur. Eo mulieres imposuerunt, quae ad proelium proficiscentes milites passis manibus flentes implorabant ne se in servitutem Romanis traderent.

Eng: Finally, the Germans reluctantly brought their forces out of the camp and arranged them in separate divisions at equal intervals. The Harudes, Marcomanni, Triboci, Vangiones, Nemetes, Sedusii, Suebi, and all their allies formed their entire battle line, surrounding it with wagons and carts so that no hope of escape remained. Women were placed on these vehicles, imploring the departing soldiers with outstretched hands and tearful pleas not to surrender them to Roman servitude.

华文: 于是日耳曼人终于不得不把他们的军队从营地中抽出来,并按部队排列,保持相等的间距。哈鲁德人、马尔科曼人、特里博克人、万吉翁人、内梅特人、塞杜西奥斯人、斯韦沃人以及其他所有部队,都用战车和马车围绕自己的军队,以防止任何逃跑的希望。他们还将妇女置于其中,这些妇女在士兵们准备战斗出发时,伸开双手哭泣恳求,不要将他们交给罗马人作奴隶。

Commentary: The involvement of women in the battle, especially in this supportive role, highlights the importance of gender dynamics and the interconnectedness of family, honor, and warfare within Germanic society. It showcases the Germanic tribes' determination to resist Roman domination and their willingness to employ various strategies, including psychological tactics, to motivate their warriors and discourage surrender.