De Bello Gallico, Liber Primus 46-48

English and Chinese Commentary

· De Bello Gallico,English,华文,Latin,Translations

[46] Dum haec in conloquio geruntur, Caesari nuntiatum est equites Ariovisti propius tumulum accedere et ad nostros adequitare, lapides telaque in nostros coicere. Caesar loquendi finem fecit seque ad suos recepit suisque imperavit ne quod omnino telum in hostes reicerent.

Eng: While these discussions were taking place, news reached Caesar that Ariovistus' cavalry was approaching closer to the mound and riding towards their own troops, throwing stones and javelins at them. Caesar put an end to the conversation and withdrew to his own forces, instructing his men not to throw any weapons at the enemy under any circumstances.

华文: 在这些谈判进行时,有人向凯撒报告说,阿里乌斯特的骑兵正在靠近那座小山并接近我们的军队,向我们投掷石块和武器。凯撒结束了谈话,回到了自己的军队,并命令他的士兵不要再朝敌人投掷任何武器。

Commentary: The prose used is concise and direct, conveying the urgency and swift actions taken by Caesar. The phrase "loquendi finem fecit" indicates the decision to end his speech, while "seque ad suos recepit" means he withdrew to his own troops.


Nam etsi sine ullo periculo legionis delectae cum equitatu proelium fore videbat, tamen committendum non putabat ut, pulsis hostibus, dici posset eos ab se per fidem in conloquio circumventos. Postea quam in vulgus militum elatum est qua arrogantia in conloquio Ariovistus usus omni Gallia Romanis interdixisset, impetumque in nostros eius equites fecissent, eaque res conloquium ut diremisset, multo maior alacritas studiumque pugnandi maius exercitui iniectum est.

Eng: For even though Caesar saw that there would be no danger for his chosen legion to engage with the cavalry, he did not think it advisable to let it happen, lest it could be said that those who had been deceived by his trust in the negotiations had been attacked. After it became known among the soldiers how arrogantly Ariovistus had behaved in the meeting and how he had forbidden all of Gaul to the Romans, and after his cavalry had made an attack on our troops, thereby breaking off the negotiations, a much greater eagerness and a stronger desire for fighting were instilled in the army.

华文: 因为尽管凯撒知道与精锐军团和骑兵作战没有任何危险,但他认为不能让敌人在击溃后声称他们在谈判中被他出卖。当士兵们得知阿里乌斯特在谈判中的傲慢态度并且宣布将罢免所有高卢人与罗马人的关系后,他们的骑兵向我们冲击,导致谈判破裂。这一事件激发了军队更大的战斗热情和斗志。

Commentary: The expression "per fidem in conloquio circumventos" translates to "being deceived through trust in the negotiation," emphasizing Caesar's concern about the potential accusation of treachery.

"alacritas studiumque pugnandi" conveys "eagerness and enthusiasm for fighting," indicating the heightened morale and readiness for battle within the Roman army.


[47] Biduo post Ariovistus ad Caesarem legatos misit: velle se de iis rebus quae inter eos agi coeptae neque perfectae essent agere cum eo: uti aut iterum conloquio diem constitueret aut, si id minus vellet, ex suis legatis aliquem ad se mitteret. Conloquendi Caesari causa visa non est, et eo magis quod pridie eius diei Germani retineri non potuerant quin tela in nostros coicerent. Legatum ex suis sese magno cum periculo ad eum missurum et hominibus feris obiecturum existimabat.

Eng: Two days later, Ariovistus sent envoys to Caesar, expressing his desire to discuss matters that had been initiated but not concluded between them. He proposed that Caesar either set another day for a meeting or, if he preferred, send one of his own envoys to Ariovistus. The intention of engaging in a conversation with Caesar did not seem credible, especially since the previous day the Germans had been unable to restrain themselves from launching missiles at our troops. Ariovistus believed that sending an envoy from his side would be a risky and perilous act, exposing them to wild and hostile individuals.

华文: 两天后,阿里乌斯特派遣使者给凯撒,表示他想就那些他们开始但未完成的事情与凯撒进行交涉:要么再次约定会谈时间,要么如果凯撒不愿意,派遣其中一位使者与他会面。然而,看来凯撒并不认为会谈有意义,尤其是因为前一天的事件中,德国人没能控制住自己,向我们投掷了投射物。他认为派遣使者去见阿里乌斯特将会带来巨大的危险,他们将置身于野蛮人的威胁之下。

Commentary: "magno cum periculo" conveys "with great danger," emphasizing the potential risks involved in the proposed envoy mission


Commodissimum visum est C. Valerium Procillum, C. Valerii Caburi filium, summa virtute et humanitate adulescentem, cuius pater a C. Valerio Flacco civitate donatus erat, et propter fidem et propter linguae Gallicae scientiam, qua multa iam Ariovistus longinqua consuetudine utebatur, et quod in eo peccandi Germanis causa non esset, ad eum mittere, et una M. Metium, qui hospitio Ariovisti utebatur.

Eng: It was deemed most suitable to send C. Valerius Procillus, the son of C. Valerius Caburus, a young man of great courage and kindness. His father had been granted Roman citizenship by C. Valerius Flaccus. Procillus was chosen for his trustworthiness, his knowledge of the Gallic language, which Ariovistus already used extensively due to long-standing customs, and the fact that he had not given the Germans any reason to hold a grudge against him. M. Metius, who enjoyed Ariovistus' hospitality, was sent along with him.

华文: 最为合适的人选被认为是加伯尔的儿子瓦勒里乌斯·普罗基乌斯,他年轻而具备卓越的勇气和人文风度。他的父亲是由加伯尔·瓦勒里乌斯·弗拉克斯授予公民权的,他之所以被选择,是因为他的忠诚和对高卢语的熟悉程度,而阿里乌斯特则长期以来一直使用这种语言。此外,他对德国人没有任何冒犯之处。与他一同被派去的还有马尔库斯·梅提乌斯,他与阿里乌斯特有着亲密的交往。

Commentary: The selection of Gaius Valerius Procillus as an envoy demonstrates the importance of linguistic and cultural knowledge in diplomatic interactions. His proficiency in the Gallic language would have facilitated effective communication with Ariovistus and his Germanic forces.

Marcus Metius, who was staying with Ariovistus as a guest, was also chosen as part of the envoy. This could indicate that Metius had some prior understanding or relationship with Ariovistus, which might have been helpful in establishing communication and building trust.


His mandavit quae diceret Ariovistus cognoscerent et ad se referrent. Quos cum apud se in castris Ariovistus conspexisset, exercitu suo praesente conclamavit: quid ad se venirent? an speculandi causa? Conantes dicere prohibuit et in catenas coniecit.

Eng: Upon seeing them in his camp, Ariovistus, in the presence of his army, exclaimed why they had come to him. He asked if it was for the purpose of spying. He prevented them from speaking and threw them into chains. Caesar had instructed them to gather information from Ariovistus and report it back to him.

华文: 凯撒命令他们搜集关于阿里奥维斯托所说的信息,并向他报告。当阿里奥维斯托斯在他的营地中看到他们时,他在军队面前大声喊道:他们为何来找他?是为了窥探吗?他阻止他们说话,并将他们锁上了链子。

Commentary: The phrase "quos cum apud se in castris Ariovistus conspexisset" means "when Ariovistus had seen them among his own camps." The expression "conantes dicere prohibuit" translates to "he prevented them from speaking."

From this, we can infer that Ariovistus had no intention on peaceful resolution and also that the Germanic Tribes were able to use deception and trickery to their advantage.


[48] Eodem die castra promovit et milibus passuum VI a Caesaris castris sub monte consedit. Postridie eius diei praeter castra Caesaris suas copias traduxit et milibus passuum duobus ultra eum castra fecit eo consilio uti frumento commeatuque qui ex Sequanis et Haeduis supportaretur Caesarem intercluderet.

Eng: On the same day, Ariovistus advanced his camp and took a position about six miles from Caesar's camp, below a hill. The next day, he moved his forces past Caesar's camp and established his own camp about two miles beyond it. This was done with the intention of cutting off Caesar's access to the grain and supplies that were being brought by the Sequani and Haedui.

华文: 当天,他移动了营地,并在距离凯撒的营地下山处安营扎寨,距离约六千步。次日,他将自己的军队除了凯撒的营地之外,再移动了两千步,并建立了营地,目的是为了切断凯撒从塞瓦纳人和埃杜安人那里获得的粮食和补给物资,以困住凯撒。

Commentary: This passage describes the strategic movements of Ariovistus and his intent to cut off Caesar's supply lines. By positioning his camp closer to Caesar's and then moving his forces beyond it, Ariovistus aimed to disrupt Caesar's logistical support and hinder his operations.

It highlights the importance of logistics in ancient military campaigns. Control over the supply of essential resources like food and provisions could significantly impact the effectiveness and endurance of an army.

Ex eo die dies continuos V Caesar pro castris suas copias produxit et aciem instructam habuit, ut, si vellet Ariovistus proelio contendere, ei potestas non deesset. Ariovistus his omnibus diebus exercitum castris continuit, equestri proelio cotidie contendit. Genus hoc erat pugnae, quo se Germani exercuerant:

Eng: From that day on, Caesar led his forces out of the camp for five consecutive days and had them deployed in battle formation, ensuring that if Ariovistus wished to engage in battle, he would not lack the opportunity. Ariovistus, on the other hand, kept his army confined to the camp during all these days and engaged in daily skirmishes with cavalry. This was the type of warfare that the Germans had practiced.

华文: 从那一天起,凯撒连续五天都出动军队,准备好了阵势,以便如果阿里约维斯执意要战斗,他将不会缺乏机会。阿里约维斯在这些日子里一直将军队困在营地中,每天进行骑兵战斗。这是德意志人所练习的战斗方式:

Commentary: the passage illustrates Caesar's preparedness for battle and Ariovistus' strategy of engaging in daily skirmishes with his cavalry. It underscores the contrasting approaches of the two commanders and sheds light on the Germanic fighting style that emphasized cavalry warfare.


equitum milia erant VI, totidem numero pedites velocissimi ac fortissimi, quos ex omni copia singuli singulos suae salutis causa delegerant: cum his in proeliis versabantur, ad eos se equites recipiebant; hi, si quid erat durius, concurrebant, si qui graviore vulnere accepto equo deciderat, circumsistebant; si quo erat longius prodeundum aut celerius recipiendum, tanta erat horum exercitatione celeritas ut iubis sublevati equorum cursum adaequarent.

Eng: There were 6,000 cavalry, an equal number of the swiftest and bravest infantry, whom each individual had chosen from the entire army for the sake of their own safety. They fought alongside the cavalry and, in case of retreat, the cavalry would receive them. If any of them faced a tougher situation, others would come to their aid. If any of them, after receiving a serious wound, fell from their horse, they would surround them. Their training was so effective that they could match the speed of horses by running on foot, whether it required advancing or retreating over a long distance.

华文: 骑兵有6000人,同样数量的步兵,他们都是最快最勇敢的战士,每个人都为了自己的生命选择了一个伙伴:他们在战斗中与这些伙伴并肩作战,如果骑兵遇到困难,他们会回到他们的身边;如果有人受到严重伤势,坠马倒地,他们会围在周围;如果需要长途进发或迅速撤退,他们的训练技巧非常高超,能够与马一起保持同样的速度。

Commentary: The passage highlights the composition and tactics of the Germanic forces. They had a well-coordinated combination of 6,000 cavalry and an equal number of highly skilled and fast infantrymen. This indicates the importance of both cavalry and infantry in their military strategy.

The infantrymen were chosen individually based on their abilities, and they fought alongside the cavalry in battles, highlighting their integrated approach to warfare, where different units supported and relied on each other.

The passage also emphasizes the agility and speed of the Germanic forces. They had extensive training that enabled them to match the speed of their horses and maneuver swiftly in various situations.