De Bello Gallico, Liber Tertius 1-3

English and Chinese Commentary

· De Bello Gallico,English,华文,Latin,Translations

[1] Cum in Italiam proficisceretur Caesar, Ser. Galbam cum legione XII et parte equitatus in Nantuates, Veragros Sedunosque misit, qui a finibus Allobrogum et lacu Lemanno et flumine Rhodano ad summas Alpes pertinent. Causa mittendi fuit quod iter per Alpes, quo magno cum periculo magnisque cum portoriis mercatores ire consuerant, patefieri volebat. Huic permisit, si opus esse arbitraretur, uti in his locis legionem hiemandi causa conlocaret.

Eng: When Caesar was setting out for Italy, he sent Ser. Galba with the Twelfth Legion and a portion of the cavalry to the territories of the Nantuates, Veragri, and Seduni, who were situated from the borders of the Allobroges to Lake Geneva and the River Rhone, up to the highest Alps. The reason for sending them was to open up the route through the Alps, which merchants used to travel with great danger and heavy tolls. He granted Galba permission to station the legion in those areas for winter if he deemed it necessary.

华文: 凯撒前往意大利的时候,他派遣了萨尔维乌斯·加尔巴带领第十二军团和一部分骑兵前往南图阿特人、维拉格罗人和塞杜诺斯人居住的地区,这些地区从阿洛布鲁格人的边界,莱曼湖和罗纳河一直延伸到阿尔卑斯山的最高峰。派遣的原因是他希望打开前往阿尔卑斯山的道路,以便商人能够安全地通过,并减少高额的关税。他允许加尔巴在这些地区部署军队过冬,如果他认为有必要的话。

Commentary: The route through the Alps was of great importance for trade and commerce during that time, as it connected the Roman provinces in Gaul with the regions beyond the Alps, such as Italy and Illyricum.

By securing this route and reducing the risks and tolls for merchants, Caesar aimed to facilitate trade and enhance economic ties between the Roman provinces and the territories beyond the Alps.

"Causa mittendi fuit quod iter per Alpes... patefieri volebat." Here, "mittendi" and "patefieri volebat" are in the subjunctive mood, indicating the purpose of sending Galba and the purpose of opening up the route through the Alps, respectively.


Galba secundis aliquot proeliis factis castellisque compluribus eorum expugnatis, missis ad eum undique legatis obsidibusque datis et pace facta, constituit cohortes duas in Nantuatibus conlocare et ipse cum reliquis eius legionis cohortibus in vico Veragrorum, qui appellatur Octodurus hiemare; qui vicus positus in valle non magna adiecta planitie altissimis montibus undique continetur. Cum hic in duas partes flumine divideretur, alteram partem eius vici Gallis [ad hiemandum] concessit, alteram vacuam ab his relictam cohortibus attribuit. Eum locum vallo fossaque munivit.

Eng: After achieving success in several battles and capturing several of their strongholds, Galba sent messengers from all directions, offering their submission and giving hostages. With peace established, he decided to station two cohorts among the Nantuates, while he himself, along with the remaining cohorts of his legion, settled in the village of the Veragri, called Octodurus, for the winter. This village, situated in a valley with not much open space, is surrounded on all sides by towering mountains. It is divided into two parts by a river, and Galba allotted one part to the Gauls for their winter quarters, while the other, unoccupied by them, was assigned to his cohorts. He fortified this position with walls and trenches to secure the area.

华文: 加尔巴在多次胜利的战斗和攻占几座堡垒后,收到了从各处派来的使者和人质,达成了和平协议。他决定在南图阿特人地区部署两个军团,并亲自率领其余的军团在维拉格罗人的村落“Octodurus”过冬。这个村落坐落在一片山谷中,被高耸的山脉围绕着,周围只有一小片平原。它被一条河流分成两个部分,加尔巴允许南图阿特人在其中一部分过冬,另一部分则留给军团驻扎。他在这个地方修筑了壁垒和壕沟以加强防御。

Commentary: The ablative of separation is a grammatical construct in Latin used to indicate the source or point of origin from which something is separated or removed. In the phrase "alteram vacuam ab his relictam cohortibus attribuit," "ab his" signifies that one part of the village was left empty, separated from or removed from the cohort. This linguistic feature helps convey the specific spatial relationship between the cohort and the empty part of the village.


[2] Cum dies hibernorum complures transissent frumentumque eo comportari iussisset, subito per exploratores certior factus est ex ea parte vici, quam Gallis concesserat, omnes noctu discessisse montesque qui impenderent a maxima multitudine Sedunorum et Veragrorum teneri.

Eng: After several days of wintering had passed, and as he had ordered the grain to be collected there, he was suddenly informed by scouts that from the part of the village he had conceded to the Gauls, everyone had departed during the night, and the mountains, which loomed over them, were held by a large force of Seduni and Veragri.

华文: 当几个冬天的日子过去,加尔巴下令在该地区运送了大量粮食。但突然通过侦察员得知,他之前允许给南图阿特人的那一部分村落,在夜间被全部撤离,而那里的山上却被大批塞杜努人和维拉格罗人占领。

Commentary: "a maxima multitudine Sedunorum et Veragrorum" means "held by a large multitude of Seduni and Veragri." The ablative of agent is used to express the agent responsible for the action in passive constructions.


Id aliquot de causis acciderat, ut subito Galli belli renovandi legionisque opprimendae consilium caperent: primum, quod legionem neque eam plenissimam detractis cohortibus duabus et compluribus singillatim, qui commeatus petendi causa missi erant, absentibus propter paucitatem despiciebant; tum etiam, quod propter iniquitatem loci, cum ipsi ex montibus in vallem decurrerent et tela coicerent, ne primum quidem impetum suum posse sustineri existimabant.

Eng: This had happened for several reasons, causing the Gauls to suddenly devise a plan to renew the war and to crush the legion: firstly, they despised the legion, as it was not at its full strength due to the absence of two cohorts and several soldiers who had been sent individually to gather supplies; furthermore, they believed that due to the unfavorable terrain, their initial charge, when they descended from the mountains into the valley and hurled their spears, would be impossible to withstand.

华文: 这种情况发生的原因有几点:首先,由于撤离了两个军团和一些单独派出去补给的军士,使得军团看起来并不是最充实的,他们因为这种人数不足而看不起;其次,由于地势的不利,当他们自山上冲向山谷并投掷武器时,认为甚至连他们的第一波冲锋都难以支撑。

Commentary: "propter paucitatem despiciebant" indicates that the Gauls looked down upon the Roman legion due to its reduced numbers. The verb "despiciebant" in the imperfect tense reflects the continuous action of the Gauls underestimating the Roman forces.


Accedebat quod suos ab se liberos abstraetos obsidum nomine dolebant, et Romanos non solum itinerum causa sed etiam perpetuae possessionis culmina Alpium occupare conari et ea loca finitimae provinciae adiungere sibi persuasum habebant.

Eng: Furthermore, they were aggrieved by the fact that their own children had been taken away from them as hostages. They believed that the Romans were not only attempting to secure the Alpine passes for the purpose of expeditions but also aiming to permanently annex those territories to the neighboring province.

华文: 此外,他们因为被剥夺了他们的子女作为人质而感到悲伤,还认为罗马人不仅仅是为了旅行,而且试图占领阿尔卑斯山脉的山峰,并将这些地方并入附近的省份,这一点也让他们深信不疑。

Commentary: The Gauls perceived the Roman actions as an attempt to annex the adjacent provinces and territories to their dominion (Romanos non solum itinerum causa sed etiam perpetuae possessionis culmina Alpium occupare conari et ea loca finitimae provinciae adiungere sibi persuasum habebant). This highlights the Gauls' concern about potential Roman territorial ambitions and their desire to defend their own lands and independence.


[3] His nuntiis acceptis Galba, cum neque opus hibernorum munitionesque plene essent perfectae neque de frumento reliquoque commeatu satis esset provisum quod deditione facta obsidibusque acceptis nihil de bello timendum existimaverat, consilio celeriter convocato sententias exquirere coepit.

Eng: Upon receiving these reports, Galba, realizing that the winter quarters and fortifications were not fully completed, and there was insufficient provision of grain and other supplies, which he had not considered necessary due to the surrender and the hostages being given, swiftly convened a council to gather opinions.

华文: 接到这些消息后,加尔巴意识到冬季营寨和防御工事并未完全完善,剩余的粮食和补给也没有妥善安排。之前他因为接受了敌人的投降和人质,并未认为有什么需要担心的战争。于是他迅速召集了会议,开始征求意见。

Commentary: Galba, upon receiving the news of the Gauls' uprising, faced challenges with the readiness of their winter quarters and fortifications (neque opus hibernorum munitionesque plene essent perfectae) and the insufficient provisions of food and supplies (de frumento reliquoque commeatu satis esset provisum).


Quo in consilio, cum tantum repentini periculi praeter opinionem accidisset ac iam omnia fere superiora loca multitudine armatorum completa conspicerentur neque subsidio veniri neque commeatus supportari interclusis itineribus possent, prope iam desperata salute non nullae eius modi sententiae dicebantur, ut impedimentis relictis eruptione facta isdem itineribus quibus eo pervenissent ad salutem contenderent. Maiori tamen parti placuit, hoc reservato ad extremum casum consilio interim rei eventum experiri et castra defendere.

Eng: In this council, given the unexpected and sudden danger, and the fact that nearly all higher positions were now filled with a multitude of armed adversaries, with no possibility of reinforcements or supplies reaching them due to the blocked roads, some voices were heard suggesting desperate measures, such as leaving the baggage behind and attempting an escape by the same routes they had arrived. However, the majority agreed to reserve this plan as a last resort, and in the meantime, to test the outcome of the situation and defend the camp.

华文: 在这次会议中,当突如其来的危险超出预料,而且几乎所有上游地区都被武装人员占据,无法得到增援或供应线被切断时,一些绝望的建议开始出现,建议留下物资,通过同样的路线突围,回到安全地带。然而,更多的人支持将这一计划保留作为最后一线手段,同时继续采纳意见,暂时坚守营地。

Commentary: A significant aspect of the passage is the decision-making process of the council. Some advocated for abandoning their baggage and attempting a desperate breakout (impedimentis relictis eruptione facta ad salutem contenderent), while others opted to hold their ground and defend the camp (castra defendere). This reflects the difficult choices faced by military leaders in the face of unforeseen crises, balancing the risks of retreat with the potential benefits of fortifying their position and trying to withstand the enemy's attacks.