De Bello Gallico, Liber Secundus 9-11

English and Chinese Commentary

· De Bello Gallico,English,华文,Latin,Translations

[9] Palus erat non magna inter nostrum atque hostium exercitum. Hanc si nostri transirent hostes expectabant; nostri autem, si ab illis initium transeundi fieret, ut impeditos adgrederentur, parati in armis erant. Interim proelio equestri inter duas acies contendebatur.

Eng: There was a marsh of no significant size between our army and the enemy's. The enemy was waiting for our forces to cross it, while our troops were prepared in arms to attack them if they initiated the crossing and became hindered. Meanwhile, there was a cavalry skirmish taking place between the two armies.

华文: 双方军队之间有一片不大的湖泊。敌人等待着我们的军队渡过湖泊,而我们准备好在他们渡过时对其进行袭击,以乘其不备。与此同时,双方的骑兵在两军之间展开了激烈的战斗。

Commentary: An intriguing element emerges from the mention of the equestrian battle (proelio equestri) that transpired between the two opposing armies. This intriguing reference implies the active involvement of cavalry units from both sides, engaging in combat, potentially as a preliminary skirmish preceding the main clash between the infantry forces. The inclusion of this detail hints at the dynamic nature of the confrontation, with cavalry units vying for an advantageous position and testing each other's strength before the decisive engagement between the foot soldiers. This tactical maneuver underscores the complexity and strategic considerations involved in ancient warfare, shedding light on the multifaceted nature of the battle and the pivotal role played by cavalry units in setting the stage for the ensuing confrontation.


Ubi neutri transeundi initium faciunt, secundiore equitum proelio nostris Caesar suos in castra reduxit. Hostes protinus ex eo loco ad flumen Axonam contenderunt, quod esse post nostra castra demonstratum est.

Eng: When neither side initiated the crossing, Caesar, considering the cavalry skirmish favorably for our troops, withdrew his forces to the camp. The enemy immediately moved from that place towards the river Axona, which was shown to be behind our camp.

华文: 当双方都没有开始渡过湖泊时,由于我方骑兵的表现较为出色,凯撒将自己的部队撤回到了营地中。敌人随即从那个位置直接向阿克松河方向前进,这个方向被证明是在我们的营地之后。

Commentary: The inclusion of the comparative adjective "secundiore" accentuates the advantageous nature of the outcome in the cavalry skirmish, underscoring the favorable result achieved by Caesar and his forces. Moreover, the strategic choice of Caesar to withdraw his troops following the skirmish demonstrates his sagacious approach, prioritizing the well-being and conservation of his forces over engaging in a potentially hazardous confrontation with the enemy. This prudent decision reveals Caesar's astute judgment and his commitment to minimizing unnecessary risks, solidifying his reputation as a commander who values the safety and longevity of his troops above all else.


Ibi vadis repertis partem suarum copiarum traducere conati sunt eo consilio ut, si possent, castellum, cui praeerat Q. Titurius legatus, expugnarent pontemque interscinderent; si minus potuissent, agros Remorum popularentur, qui magno nobis usui ad bellum gerendum erant, commeatuque nostros prohiberent.

Eng: Finding suitable shallows, they attempted to transport a portion of their forces with the intention, if possible, of attacking the fort commanded by the legate Quintus Titurius and cutting off the bridge. If they were unable to do so, their plan was to ravage the fields of the Remi, which were of great advantage to us for conducting the war, and hinder our provisions.

华文: 在发现浅滩后,他们试图渡过部分兵力,目的是攻占由克里图略斯·提图略斯指挥的城堡并切断桥梁;如果无法做到,他们将破坏莱茵人的农田,这对我们进行战争是非常有帮助的,同时阻止我们的补给线。

Commentary: The verb "traducere" elucidates the action of guiding or escorting troops across, highlighting the pivotal role of leading and ferrying the forces across the designated passage. Conversely, the term "expugnare" encapsulates the essence of capturing and besieging the fortress, symbolizing the resolute determination and relentless assault employed by Caesar's forces. Additionally, the verb "popularentur" conveys the act of ravaging and pillaging, indicating the devastation wrought upon the lands of the Remi as a consequence of Caesar's military operations. Meanwhile, the phrase "magno nobis usui" poignantly underscores the profound usefulness and strategic significance of the Remi's territories for Caesar's overall war endeavors, emphasizing the invaluable resources and advantages derived from their lands.


[10] [Caesar] certior factus ab Titurio omnem equitatum et levis armaturae Numidas, funditores sagittariosque pontem traducit atque ad eos contendit. Acriter in eo loco pugnatum est.

Eng: Upon being informed by Titurius, Caesar transported all the cavalry and light-armed Numidians, slingers, and archers across the bridge and hastened towards them. A fierce battle took place in that location.

华文: 凯撒从提图略斯那里得到消息后,将所有骑兵和轻装的努米迪亚人、投石手和弓箭手带过桥,并迅速赶到他们那里。在那个地方进行了激烈的战斗。


Hostes impeditos nostri in flumine adgressi magnum eorum numerum occiderunt; per eorum corpora reliquos audacissime transire conantes multitudine telorum reppulerunt primosque, qui transierant, equitatu circumventos interfecerunt.

Eng: Our forces, taking advantage of the enemy's impediment in the river, attacked them and inflicted heavy casualties. They repelled those who dared to cross with a barrage of projectiles over the bodies of their comrades, and they surrounded and killed the first ones who had crossed, along with their cavalry.

华文: 我们的军队趁敌人受阻时在河流中袭击,击毙了大量敌人;在敌人的尸体上穿行的其他人被他们的武器阻挡住,他们勇敢地击退了那些最先尝试过河的人,并杀死了被骑兵包围的人。

Commentary: The exemplary efficacy of Caesar's implementation of combined arms tactics is vividly demonstrated in this account. By employing nimble and proficient troops, namely slingers and archers, to assail the enemy forces during the perilous lake crossing, Caesar harnessed the power of ranged warfare to disrupt and weaken the opposing ranks. Furthermore, the deft utilization of cavalry units enabled the encirclement and subsequent annihilation of the enemy, highlighting the multifaceted nature of Caesar's approach. This masterful orchestration of different branches of the military underscored the potency and strategic brilliance of combined arms tactics, leaving no room for the adversary to evade the relentless assault and ensuring their decisive defeat.


Hostes, ubi et de expugnando oppido et de flumine transeundo spem se fefellisse intellexerunt neque nostros in locum iniquiorum progredi pugnandi causa viderunt atque ipsos res frumentaria deficere coepit, concilio convocato constituerunt optimum esse domum suam quemque reverti, et quorum in fines primum Romani exercitum introduxissent, ad eos defendendos undique convenirent, ut potius in suis quam in alienis finibus decertarent et domesticis copiis rei frumentariae uterentur.

Eng: When the enemy realized that their hopes of capturing the town and crossing the river had been dashed, and they saw that our troops did not advance to engage them in unfavorable terrain, and their own food supply began to run out, they called a council. They decided that it was best for each person to return to their own home, and those who had brought the Roman army into their territory in the first place should gather from all directions to defend their own lands. They preferred to fight on their own soil rather than in foreign territory and rely on their own resources for the food supply.

华文: 敌人意识到他们的希望在攻城和渡河上已经破灭,并且他们没有看到我们前进作战的不利情况,他们自己的粮食供应也开始出现问题。于是他们召集了一次会议,决定每个人都回到自己的家乡,并且那些罗马人首先进入他们领土的地方应该从四面八方聚集起来保卫自己的领土,这样他们就能在自己的领土上而不是他人的领土上进行战斗,并利用本地的资源来解决粮食问题。

Commentary: The passage aptly illustrates the Latin language's succinct and exacting character, portraying the strategic deliberations and choices of the adversary. The phrase "res frumentaria deficere coepit" eloquently denotes the dwindling provision supply, an ardent depiction of scarcity. Meanwhile, "in suis quam in alienis finibus decertarent" elegantly conveys the preference for engaging in conflict on native soil rather than foreign terrain, emphasizing the significance of defending one's homeland. These Latin expressions capture the essence of the enemy's considerations with concise precision, encapsulating their strategic mindset and illuminating the nuances of their decision-making process.


Ad eam sententiam cum reliquis causis haec quoque ratio eos deduxit, quod Diviciacum atque Haeduos finibus Bellovacorum adpropinquare cognoverant. His persuaderi ut diutius morarentur neque suis auxilium ferrent non poterat.

Eng: In addition to the other reasons, the following consideration also led them to this decision: they had learned that Diviciacus and the Aedui were approaching the territory of the Bellovaci. It was impossible to convince them to stay longer and not provide assistance to their own people.

华文: 除了其他原因外,这个理由也使他们得出了这个结论,因为他们得知迪维西亚库斯和埃杜埃人靠近贝洛瓦科人的领土。无法说服他们长时间停留并不为自己提供援助。

Commentary: The Bellovaci were acutely aware of the proximity of Diviciacus and the Aedui, who were steadfast allies of the Romans. The evocative phrase "neque suis auxilium ferrent," meaning "and not extend aid to their own brethren," resonated deeply with the Bellovaci, unveiling their profound realization that they could not lean on their own compatriots for succor. This profound cognizance cast an indelible imprint on their cogitative process, for they discerned with somber clarity that they would be unable to impede the imminent assistance of the Aedui to the Roman forces. This momentous revelation unveils the intricate tapestry of alliances and animosities interwoven within the realm of Gallic tribes during the epochal campaign waged by Caesar in the hallowed lands of Gaul.


[11] Ea re constituta, secunda vigilia magno cum, strepitu ac tumultu castris egressi nullo certo ordine neque imperio, cum sibi quisque primum itineris locum peteret et domum pervenire properaret, fecerunt ut consimilis fugae profectio videretur. Hac re statim Caesar per speculatores cognita insidias veritus, quod qua de causa discederent nondum perspexerat, exercitum equitatumque castris continuit.

Eng: With this decision made, during the second watch, they left the camp with great noise and tumult, without any definite order or command. Each person sought the first place on the journey and hurried to reach home, making their departure appear like a mass flight. As soon as Caesar learned about this through his scouts, fearing it might be a trap, as he had not yet understood the reason for their departure, he kept the army and cavalry within the camp.

华文: 在达成这个决定后,在第二个警戒时刻,由于大声喧哗和混乱,士兵们毫无规则地离开营地,没有明确的指挥。每个人都寻找着离开的路并急于回家,使得他们的行动看起来像是一场相似的逃亡。一旦凯撒通过侦察兵获悉了这种情况,他立即担心可能有埋伏,因为他尚未弄清楚他们离开的原因,于是他将军队和骑兵固守在营地中。

Commentary: The Bellovaci cunningly devised a stratagem, employing a simulated coordinated retreat in an attempt to deceive Caesar's forces. By creating the illusion of a disorderly and hasty departure, their aim was to instill a false sense of security in Caesar's troops, potentially luring them into a treacherous ambush. However, Caesar's sharp perception and cautious discernment were swiftly brought to bear, enabling him to astutely evaluate the situation and prioritize the well-being of his soldiers.

The Latin phrase "ea re constituta" captures the essence of the Bellovaci's calculated plan, signifying the deliberate establishment of their deceptive scheme. Additionally, the passage sheds light on the crucial role played by speculatores, or scouts, who provided invaluable intelligence to Caesar. Their timely and accurate reconnaissance allowed Caesar to gather vital information, facilitating his understanding of the enemy's intentions and aiding his strategic decision-making.


Prima luce, confirmata re ab exploratoribus, omnem equitatum, qui novissimum agmen moraretur, praemisit. His Q. Pedium et L. Aurunculeium Cottam legatos praefecit; T. Labienum legatum cum legionibus tribus subsequi iussit.

Eng: At daybreak, after the situation was confirmed by the scouts, Caesar sent the entire cavalry ahead, keeping the rear guard delayed. He placed legates Quintus Pedius and Lucius Aurunculeius Cotta in command of the cavalry, while he ordered the legate Titus Labienus to follow with three legions.

华文: 天亮时,通过侦察兵的确认,凯撒派遣了整支骑兵前行,同时保持后卫部队的滞后。他任命使节孔提乌斯·佩迪乌斯和路修斯·奥伦库勒乌斯·科塔指挥骑兵,同时命令军官提图斯·拉比埃努斯率领三个军团跟随其后。

Commentary: Caesar's directive to Titus Labienus, instructing him to bring up three legions, provides a clear glimpse into his strategic vision. It exemplifies his determination to bolster the cavalry and uphold a formidable and united front as they pushed forward. This synchronized mobilization of both cavalry and legions exemplified the astute flexibility and adaptability required to address any potential threats or exploit unforeseen opportunities that lay ahead.

By reinforcing the cavalry with additional legions, Caesar ensured a harmonious coordination between these vital components of his forces. This integrated approach facilitated a cohesive and well-rounded military presence, empowering them to swiftly respond to changing circumstances on the battlefield. It also underscored Caesar's commitment to maintaining a versatile and dynamic army capable of meeting challenges head-on.


Hi novissimos adorti et multa milia passuum prosecuti magnam multitudinem eorum fugientium conciderunt, cum ab extremo agmine, ad quos ventum erat, consisterent fortiterque impetum nostrorum militum sustinerent, priores, quod abesse a periculo viderentur neque ulla necessitate neque imperio continerentur, exaudito clamore perturbatis ordinibus omnes in fuga sibi praesidium ponerent.

Eng: The Romans attacked the rear guard and pursued them for many miles, causing a significant number of the fleeing enemy to fall. When the leaders of the enemy, who seemed to be far from danger and were not restrained by any necessity or command, heard the commotion and saw their ranks in disarray, they themselves sought safety in flight.

华文: 袭击他们的最后队伍并追击了数英里,许多逃亡者被击倒,当他们停下来并勇敢地抵抗我们士兵的冲击时,前面的人因为看不到危险而没有受到任何必要的限制或命令,听到喊声后,他们混乱地离开队伍并投身逃亡。

Commentary: The Latin phrase "novissimos adorti" precisely conveys the Roman army's calculated action of launching an attack on the rearguard of the enemy forces. This strategic maneuver highlights their deliberate choice to engage the opposing army from the vulnerable rear position of their formation. By targeting this exposed area, the Romans sought to exploit the element of surprise and disrupt the enemy's cohesion and defenses.

The account's depiction of the enemy ranks being thrown into disarray vividly illustrates the profound impact and effectiveness of the Roman assault. This successful maneuver not only inflicted physical damage but also induced a sense of panic and disorder among the enemy troops. The chaos that ensued within their ranks further underscored the disruptive power and psychological advantage gained by the Roman forces.


Ita sine ullo periculo tantam eorum multitudinem nostri interfecerunt quantum fuit diei spatium; sub occasum solis sequi destiterunt seque in castra, ut erat imperatum, receperunt.

Eng: In this way, without any danger, our troops killed as many of them as the daylight allowed. They ceased their pursuit at sunset and returned to the camp as ordered.

华文: 如此,我们的士兵在没有任何危险的情况下消灭了他们如此庞大的人数,正好足够一天的时间;太阳快要落山时,我们停止了追击并按照命令回到了营地。

Commentary: The phrase "tantam eorum multitudinem" aptly describes the substantial number of enemy soldiers that were slain by the Romans, underscoring their prowess and effectiveness in battle. The Romans successfully executed their mission of vanquishing the enemy forces, achieving a decisive victory.

Furthermore, the passage highlights the disciplined nature of the Roman army. Following the prescribed orders, they disengaged from the battle and retreated to their camp at sunset. The Latin phrase "seque in castra, ut erat imperatum, receperunt" precisely conveys this obedient response, emphasizing their adherence to the commands and instructions issued by their leaders. This unwavering discipline and commitment to following orders exemplify the organized and regimented nature of the Roman military.