[6] Ab his castris oppidum Remorum nomine Bibrax aberat milia passuum VIII. Id ex itinere magno impetu Belgae oppugnare coeperunt. Aegre eo die sustentatum est. Gallorum eadem atque Belgarum oppugnatio est haec: ubi circumiecta multitudine hominum totis moenibus undique in murum lapides iaci coepti sunt murusque defensoribus nudatus est, testudine facta portas succedunt murumque subruunt.
Eng: The town of the Remi called Bibrax was about eight miles away from those camps. The Belgae launched an attack on it with great force. It was difficult to withstand their assault on that day. The method of attack employed by both the Gauls and the Belgae was as follows: when a large number of people had surrounded the town and began to throw stones at the entire wall from all sides, the wall was stripped of its defenders. They then advanced with a testudo formation and pushed against the gates, eventually undermining and breaching the wall.
华文: 从这个营地到名为比布拉克斯的雷莫尔城有八千步的距离。他们立即发动了猛烈的进攻。那一天很艰难地坚持下来。高卢人和比利时人的攻击方式相同:他们用众多人围绕城墙,从四面八方朝城墙投掷石块,城墙被剥去了防卫者,他们还用互相覆盖的盾牌形成的阵型推进城门并破坏城墙。
Commentary: The testudo formation, also known as the "tortoise formation" in Latin, was a defensive tactic used by ancient Roman soldiers during sieges or when under heavy missile fire. The formation involved overlapping shields held by soldiers positioned in close ranks, creating a protective shell or roof-like structure.
In the testudo formation, the soldiers in the front and sides of the formation would hold their shields horizontally to form a protective barrier. The soldiers in the back rows would angle their shields vertically over their heads and shoulders, covering the formation from above. This arrangement provided protection from projectiles such as arrows, javelins, and stones that were launched by the defenders from above the walls or ramparts.
The term "testudo" however in this context may simply indicate a defensive approach or the use of shields for protection rather than specifically referring to the Roman testudo formation.
Quod tum facile fiebat. Nam cum tanta multitudo lapides ac tela coicerent, in muro consistendi potestas erat nulli. Cum finem oppugnandi nox fecisset, Iccius Remus, summa nobilitate et gratia inter suos, qui tum oppido praeerat, unus ex iis qui legati de pace ad Caesarem venerant, nuntium ad eum mittit, nisi subsidium sibi submittatur, sese diutius sustinere non posse.
Eng: This was easily achieved at that time, for with such a multitude throwing stones and projectiles, there was no opportunity to stand on the wall. When nightfall brought an end to the attack, Iccius of the Remi, a man of high nobility and influence among his people, who was then in command of the town, sent a messenger to Caesar. The messenger conveyed that unless reinforcements were sent to him, he would not be able to hold out any longer.
华文: 当时这很容易实现。因为当如此众多的人投掷石块和投射物时,城墙上无法停留。当夜晚结束攻击后,雷穆斯向凯撒派去一名使者,他在自己所统领的城市里享有崇高的贵族地位和声望,他是来凯撒那里作为和平使者的其中之一。他向凯撒传达消息,表示如果不派遣援军,他将无法再坚持下去。
Commentary: The Belgae were a group of Celtic tribes residing in the northern part of Gaul (present-day Belgium, northern France, and parts of the Netherlands). They were known for their fierce and warlike nature, and their resistance against Roman conquest was formidable.
[7] Eo de media nocte Caesar isdem ducibus usus qui nuntii ab Iccio venerant, Numidas et Cretas sagittarios et funditores Baleares subsidio oppidanis mittit; quorum adventu et Remis cum spe defensionis studium propugnandi accessit et hostibus eadem de causa spes potiundi oppidi discessit.
Eng: In the middle of the night, Caesar, relying on the same leaders who had come as messengers from Iccius, sent Numidian cavalry, Cretan archers, and Balearic slingers as reinforcements to aid the townspeople. Their arrival boosted the confidence of the Remi in their defense and diminished the enemy's hope of capturing the town for the same reason.
华文: 凯撒在午夜时分派遣了来自雷穆斯的使者和同样的领导人,向城里的居民派遣了助阵的努米迪亚人、克里特人弓箭手和巴列阿利亚人投石手。他们的到来增加了雷穆斯对抗的希望,并使敌人失去了占领城市的希望。
Commentary: The Numidians were a North African people, known for their exceptional horsemanship and archery skills. They were expert horse archers, capable of swiftly maneuvering on horseback while accurately shooting their bows. Their mobility and precision made them highly effective in skirmishes and hit-and-run tactics. Numidian archers played a significant role in many of Caesar's military campaigns, providing valuable support in ranged warfare.
The Mediterranean island of Crete was renowned for producing expert archers. Cretan archers were renowned for their exceptional accuracy, range, and shooting dexterity. Their use of the peculiar Cretan bow, which was smaller in size than other composite bows but had outstanding force and precision, made them well recognized. Mercenary Cretan archers were in high demand and were used by many ancient armies, including Caesar's legions.
The Balearic Islands, located in the western Mediterranean, were home to expert slingers. Balearic slingers were renowned for their incredible accuracy and range with slings, which were simple yet deadly weapons. They would swing a leather pouch attached to two cords, releasing a stone or lead projectile with incredible speed and precision. Balearic slingers were known for their ability to hit targets accurately at long distances, often surpassing the range of bows. Their projectiles could cause severe injuries or even be fatal. Caesar recognized their value in ranged warfare and frequently employed Balearic slingers in his campaigns.
Itaque paulisper apud oppidum morati agrosque Remorum depopulati, omnibus vicis aedificiisque quo adire potuerant incensis, ad castra Caesaris omnibus copiis contenderunt et a milibus passuum minus duobus castra posuerunt; quae castra, ut fumo atque ignibus significabatur, amplius milibus passuum VIII latitudinem patebant.
Eng: Therefore, after staying near the town for a short time and ravaging the lands of the Remi, burning all the villages and buildings they could reach, they hastened with all their forces to Caesar's camp and set up their own camp less than two miles away. The extent of their camp, as indicated by smoke and fires, spread over more than eight miles in width.
华文: 因此,他们在城市附近停留了一段时间,破坏了雷穆斯人的农田,烧毁了他们能够到达的所有村庄和建筑物,然后带着全部军队向凯撒的营地进发,在不到两英里的地方扎营;这个营地的面积,通过烟雾和火焰的表示,扩展了超过八英里的宽度。
Commentary: The smoke and fire from the Belgic camp served as a visible signal or indication of their presence. This method of communication was likely employed to convey messages or warnings to their own forces or to intimidate Caesar's troops.
[8] Caesar primo et propter multitudinem hostium et propter eximiam opinionem virtutis proelio supersedere statuit; cotidie tamen equestribus proeliis quid hostis virtute posset et quid nostri auderent periclitabatur.
Eng: Caesar initially decided to refrain from engaging in battle, both due to the large number of enemy forces and their renowned reputation for valor. However, he still engaged in daily cavalry skirmishes to assess the enemy's strength and determine the daring of his own troops.
华文: 凯撒因为敌人的众多和对自身英勇的卓越声誉,决定暂时避免战斗;然而,他每天都通过骑兵的小规模战斗来考验敌人的勇气和我们的军队的胆识。
Commentary: To gather intelligence and gauge the enemy's capabilities, Caesar would engage in daily equestrian (cavalry) skirmishes. These smaller-scale engagements allowed him to evaluate the enemy's valor and tactics while minimizing the risk to his own forces.
Ubi nostros non esse inferiores intellexit, loco pro castris ad aciem instruendam natura oportuno atque idoneo, quod is collis ubi castra posita erant paululum ex planitie editus tantum adversus in latitudinem patebat quantum loci acies instructa occupare poterat, atque ex utraque parte lateris deiectus habebat et in fronte leniter fastigatus paulatim ad planitiem redibat, ab utroque latere eius collis transversam fossam obduxit circiter passuum CCCC et ad extremas fossas castella constituit ibique tormenta conlocavit, ne, cum aciem instruxisset, hostes, quod tantum multitudine poterant, ab lateribus pugnantes suos circumvenire possent.
Eng: When Caesar realized that our troops were not inferior, he chose a location for arranging his army that was naturally suitable and advantageous. The hill where the camp was positioned was slightly elevated from the plain, providing enough space for the deployed battle line. The hill sloped gently on the front side and gradually descended back to the plain, while on both sides it had steep slopes. To further fortify the position, he dug a transverse ditch about 400 paces long on each side of the hill and placed fortifications at the ends of the ditches. He also positioned artillery there to prevent the enemy from encircling our troops from the sides once the battle line was formed, exploiting their superior numbers.
华文: 当他意识到我们的部队不逊于敌人时,他选择了一个适合布阵的自然地形作为战斗阵地。那个山丘,就是我们安营扎寨的地方,稍微高出平原,正好能容纳整齐列阵的军队,两侧倾斜,前方则渐渐平缓,逐渐回归平原。他在山丘的两侧挖掘了一条横贯壕沟,约有400步长,并在壕沟的两端设立了防御堡垒,并安置了攻城器械,以防止敌人在我们布阵时利用他们的数量优势从两侧包抄我们的军队。
Commentary: The construction of a transverse ditch on both sides of the hill served as a physical barrier, hindering the enemy`s ability to maneuver and flank Caesar's army. The placement of artillery in the outer strongpoints further enhanced the defensive capabilities of his position.
Hoc facto, duabus legionibus quas proxime conscripserat in castris relictis ut, si quo opus esset, subsidio duci possent, reliquas VI legiones pro castris in acie constituit. Hostes item suas copias ex castris eductas instruxerunt.
Eng: After taking these measures, Caesar left two legions in the camp, which he had recently recruited, so that they could be used as a reserve if needed. He positioned the remaining six legions in battle formation in front of the camp. The enemy also deployed their forces after bringing them out of their camp.
华文: 在这个情况下,他将最近招募的两个军团留在营地,以备需要时提供支援。他将其他六个军团部署在战斗阵地上。敌人也从营地中出动并组织了他们的部队。
Commentary: By keeping newly recruited soldiers in reserve, Caesar could continue their training and gradually integrate them into the army. They could observe the battle from a secure position and learn from the actions and tactics of the experienced soldiers on the front lines. This firsthand observation would help them understand the dynamics of a real battle, gain familiarity with Caesar's strategies, and learn to coordinate effectively with their fellow soldiers. By allowing them to gain experience and improve their cohesion as a unit through observation, Caesar ensured that they would be better prepared for future engagements where their active participation would be required.