[18] Loci natura erat haec, quem locum nostri castris delegerant. Collis ab summo aequaliter declivis ad flumen Sabim, quod supra nominavimus, vergebat. Ab eo flumine pari acclivitate collis nascebatur adversus huic et contrarius, passus circiter CC infimus apertus, ab superiore parte silvestris, ut non facile introrsus perspici posset. Intra eas silvas hostes in occulto sese continebant; in aperto loco secundum flumen paucae stationes equitum videbantur. Fluminis erat altitudo pedum circiter trium.
Eng: The nature of the terrain in the place our forces had chosen for their camp was as follows: There was a hill sloping evenly from the top down to the river Sabim, which we mentioned earlier. From that river, another hill rose in the opposite direction with a nearly equal incline, forming an open space of about 200 paces at the bottom, while the upper part was wooded, making it difficult to see inside. The enemy concealed themselves within those woods, while a few cavalry stations were visible in the open area near the river. The depth of the river was approximately three feet.
华文: 所选的营地具有以下地理特点。从山顶到我们所选的塞比姆河河的地方,山坡平缓倾斜。河流的另一侧有一座与之相对的山丘,大约200步长,下方开阔,上方是茂密的树林,不容易被内部看穿。敌人就隐藏在这些树林中,而在开阔地带沿河边只能看到少数几个骑兵驻扎点。河流的深度大约为3英尺。
Commentary: The undulating landscape presented an advantageous position, granting the Nervii a panoramic view to surveil and safeguard against the encroachments of their adversaries. Cloaked by a thick canopy of trees atop the hill, the wooded expanse became a haven, enabling the Nervii to shroud their forces and execute surprise assaults with stealth and cunning. The Sabim River, meandering through the terrain, added an additional layer of formidable defense, serving as a natural barrier that the Romans had to surmount should they dare to engage the enemy.
Moreover, the mention of the river's depth unveils the intricacies of the region's geography. An understanding of the river's depths held paramount importance, for it unveiled the strategic nuances that could impact the Roman army's maneuvers. It allowed a comprehensive assessment of its significance, be it as a relatively easy crossing point or as an obstacle demanding meticulous planning and effort to traverse.
[19] Caesar equitatu praemisso subsequebatur omnibus copiis; sed ratio ordoque agminis aliter se habebat ac Belgae ad Nervios detulerant. Nam quod hostibus adpropinquabat, consuetudine sua Caesar VI legiones expeditas ducebat; post eas totius exercitus impedimenta conlocarat; inde duae legiones quae proxime conscriptae erant totum agmen claudebant praesidioque impedimentis erant.
Eng: Caesar, after sending forward the cavalry, followed with all his forces. However, the arrangement and order of the column were different from what the Belgae had reported to the Nervii. As was his custom, Caesar led the six legions in light marching order closest to the enemy. Behind them, he had placed the baggage train of the entire army. Two legions, which had been recently recruited, formed the rear of the column and served as a guard for the baggage.
华文: 凯撒先派出骑兵,随后以全部部队跟随。但是,行军的方式和次序与比利时人告诉纳尔维奥人的不同。凯撒按照自己的习惯,带领六个机动的军团靠近敌人;在它们后面放置了整个军队的辎重;然后是两个最新招募的军团,作为全军的后卫并保护辎重。
Commentary: With astute foresight, Caesar implemented a strategic arrangement that prioritized the safeguarding of vital supplies and ensured the preservation of logistical support. By positioning the baggage and supplies in the heart of the marching column, he established a protective buffer, shielding these crucial resources from potential enemy threats.
Moreover, by assigning newly enlisted legions to the rear, Caesar fortified the rear guard, bolstering the defensive capabilities of the formation. This strategic deployment served two crucial purposes: firstly, it provided added security and reinforcement for the logistical train, safeguarding the sustenance and provisions necessary for the sustained operations of the army. Secondly, it allowed for a formidable and agile force to remain at the vanguard, poised for swift engagement with the enemy.
Equites nostri cum funditoribus sagittariisque flumen transgressi cum hostium equitatu proelium commiserunt. Cum se illi identidem in silvis ad suos reciperent ac rursus ex silva in nostros impetum facerent, neque nostri longius quam quem ad finem porrecta [ac] loca aperta pertinebant cedentes insequi auderent, interim legiones VI quae primae venerant, opere dimenso, castra munire coeperunt.
Eng: Our cavalry, along with slingers and archers, crossed the river and engaged in battle with the enemy cavalry. The enemy repeatedly withdrew into the woods to regroup and then launched attacks against our troops. However, our soldiers did not dare to pursue them further than the open and extended areas, as the enemy would retreat and launch counterattacks from the woods. Meanwhile, the six legions that had arrived first began fortifying the camp, having measured out the works.
华文: 我们的骑兵与投石手和弓箭手一起渡过河流,与敌人的骑兵发生了战斗。当敌人反复在树林中撤退并再次向我们发起冲击时,我们的部队不敢追击,只在延伸开放地带的范围内采取退却。与此同时,先到达的第六军团开始筑起营地。
Commentary: As the cavalry clash unfolded, the six legions that had arrived ahead swiftly pivoted to commence the construction of defensive fortifications. This remarkable display of Roman military prowess underscored their exceptional capacity to multitask and execute concurrent operations. Even while certain units were fully engaged in the heat of battle, others diligently toiled to fortify the camp, fortifications rising in tandem with the clash of swords and the thundering of hooves.
This seamless coordination and simultaneous execution epitomized the Roman army's exceptional organizational acumen and the ability to maintain multiple operations with synchronized precision. While a portion of their forces valiantly fought on the front lines, others, cognizant of the vital need for security and safeguarding the entire army, devoted their energies to erecting formidable defenses.
Ubi prima impedimenta nostri exercitus ab iis qui in silvis abditi latebant visa sunt, quod tempus inter eos committendi proelii convenerat, ut intra silvas aciem ordinesque constituerant atque ipsi sese confirmaverant, subito omnibus copiis provolaverunt impetumque in nostros equites fecerunt.
Eng: When our army's baggage train was sighted by those who had been hidden in the woods and the agreed-upon moment for engaging in battle arrived, they swiftly rushed forward with all their forces, launching an attack on our cavalry. They had positioned themselves within the woods, formed their battle lines, and were fully prepared.
华文: 我们军队的首批后勤部队一旦被藏在树林中的敌人看到,因为他们之间约定好了战斗的时间,在树林中列阵并做好准备,他们突然发动了全军出击,并向我们的骑兵发起了冲击。
Commentary: By ensconcing themselves within the dense woods, the Nervii cunningly bided their time, patiently awaiting the perfect moment to unleash a devastating assault upon the unsuspecting Roman cavalry. This audacious surprise attack exemplified the guerrilla warfare tactics employed by certain ancient tribes, capitalizing on their intimate familiarity with the local terrain and their prowess in launching swift, unpredictable offensives. Such tactics relied on their agility, resourcefulness, and the element of surprise.
This display of guerrilla warfare underscored the pivotal role of scouting and reconnaissance in military operations. The Nervii keenly observed the movements of the Roman army, meticulously gauging the optimal time to strike with utmost precision. Their strategic decision to hide within the woods and emerge at the opportune moment showcased their ability to exploit their knowledge of the surroundings and execute calculated attacks that could catch even a formidable force like the Roman cavalry off guard.
His facile pulsis ac proturbatis, incredibili celeritate ad flumen decucurrerunt, ut paene uno tempore et ad silvas et in flumine [et iam in manibus nostris] hostes viderentur. Eadem autem celeritate adverso colle ad nostra castra atque eos qui in opere occupati erant contenderunt.
Eng: With these forces easily repelled and scattered, they swiftly made their way down to the river with such incredible speed that it seemed as if, in almost no time, the enemy appeared both in the woods and in the river, and now we were already at their mercy. With the same swiftness, they quickly advanced towards our camp on the opposite hill and those who were occupied with the fortifications.
华文: 他们轻易地击退并混乱了我们的骑兵,以惊人的速度奔向河流,几乎在同一时间他们似乎同时出现在树林里、河流中以及我们的敌人手中。然后他们以同样的速度冲向对面的山丘,直奔我们的营地和正在进行工事的士兵。
Commentary: Caesar accentuates the extraordinary celeritas, or swiftness, exhibited by both the Nervii and the Roman forces. The Nervii adeptly retreat and swiftly maneuver to reposition themselves, while the Romans, with remarkable alacrity, swiftly establish their camps and boldly confront the enemy. This compelling depiction underscores the paramount significance of agility and expeditious decision-making in the realm of ancient warfare.
The ability to swiftly adapt to changing circumstances, seize strategic opportunities, and rapidly execute tactical maneuvers was instrumental in achieving success on the battlefield. Both the Nervii and the Romans demonstrated an exceptional capacity to swiftly react to evolving situations, allowing them to capitalize on fleeting advantages and mitigate potential vulnerabilities.
[20] Caesari omnia uno tempore erant agenda: vexillum proponendum, quod erat insigne, cum ad arma concurri oporteret; signum tuba dandum; ab opere revocandi milites; qui paulo longius aggeris petendi causa processerant arcessendi; acies instruenda; milites cohortandi; signum dandum. Quarum rerum magnam partem temporis brevitas et incursus hostium impediebat.
Eng: Caesar had to accomplish everything at once: raise the standard, which was the signal for the soldiers to gather at their weapons; give the signal with the trumpet; recall the soldiers from their work; summon those who had gone a little further to collect materials for the rampart; arrange the battle lines; encourage the soldiers; and give the command. The brevity of time and the sudden attack of the enemy hindered the execution of a large part of these tasks.
华文: 凯撒必须同时完成一切任务:插上旗帜,作为冲锋的标志;吹响号角,召回正在工作的士兵;召回稍稍前进以寻求土墙的士兵;组织队形;鼓励士兵;发号施令。时间的紧迫和敌人的袭击大大阻碍了这些任务的完成。
Commentary: Amidst the tumult of the battlefield, Caesar found himself confronted with a myriad of tasks that demanded his immediate attention. With deftness and precision, he deftly executed a multifaceted array of responsibilities. Raising the vexillum high, an emblem of martial unity, served as a clarion call for the soldiers to rally together. Through the resonating notes of his trumpet, he issued clear and decisive orders that pierced through the chaos, guiding the actions of his troops. With authoritative command, he called back those who had strayed, their efforts needed closer at hand, collecting materials for the fortifications.
Even amidst the frenzy of combat, Caesar possessed the remarkable capacity to orchestrate the formation of battle lines, positioning his forces strategically to withstand the enemy's onslaught. His inspiring presence served as a beacon of courage and resilience, bolstering the spirits of his troops and infusing them with unwavering determination. Moreover, he deftly conveyed further signals, subtle directives that conveyed his intentions with utmost clarity, ensuring seamless coordination amidst the maelstrom of warfare.
His ability to attend to multiple critical tasks, from rallying his troops to issuing commands, and from organizing battle lines to instilling morale, exemplified his extraordinary capacity to maintain order and synchronize the actions of his forces. Through his adept management, he transformed the cacophony of conflict into a harmonious symphony of unified purpose and resolute action.
His difficultatibus duae res erant subsidio, scientia atque usus militum, quod superioribus proeliis exercitati quid fieri oporteret non minus commode ipsi sibi praescribere quam ab aliis doceri poterant, et quod ab opere singulisque legionibus singulos legatos Caesar discedere nisi munitis castris vetuerat. Hi propter propinquitatem et celeritatem hostium nihil iam Caesaris imperium expectabant, sed per se quae videbantur administrabant.
Eng: In these difficulties, two things provided support: the knowledge and experience of the soldiers, who, having been trained in previous battles, could prescribe for themselves what needed to be done as easily as they could be taught by others, and the fact that Caesar had forbidden the departure of individual legates from their posts unless the camp was fortified. Due to the proximity and speed of the enemy, these legates no longer awaited Caesar's orders but managed the situation based on their own observations.
华文: 困难之中,有两个因素起到了支援的作用,那就是士兵的知识和经验。因为他们在之前的战斗中得到了训练,对于应该做什么不仅可以方便地自己决定,而且不亚于他人的指导。此外,凯撒已经下令,除非设有营垒,否则每个军团只能派出一名军官离开。由于敌人的接近和迅速行动,他们已经不再依赖凯撒的指挥,而是自行处理眼前的情况。
Commentary: Within Caesar's army resided a cohort of seasoned warriors, honed by experience and possessed of profound practical acumen. Their acuity and mastery enabled them to autonomously assess and adapt to the ever-shifting exigencies of the battlefield. The Latin phrase "scientia atque usus militum" reverberates with the essence of their expertise, underscoring their deep understanding and practical proficiency.
Caesar's leadership approach embraced a philosophy of empowerment, entrusting his soldiers with the agency to make informed decisions guided by their own astute observations and discernment. By restraining legates from departing their legions until fortifications were firmly established, he instilled a sense of autonomy and accountability among his troops. This approach fostered independence and responsibility, allowing the soldiers to actively engage in the decision-making process and act swiftly upon their assessments.