De Bello Gallico, Liber Secundus 1-3

English and Chinese Commentary

· Translations,Latin,华文,English,De Bello Gallico

[1] Cum esset Caesar in citeriore Gallia [in hibernis], ita uti supra demonstravimus, crebri ad eum rumores adferebantur litterisque item Labieni certior fiebat omnes Belgas, quam tertiam esse Galliae partem dixeramus, contra populum Romanum coniurare obsidesque inter se dare. Coniurandi has esse causas: primum quod vererentur ne, omni pacata Gallia, ad eos exercitus noster adduceretur;

Eng: While Caesar was in winter quarters in the interior of Gaul, as previously mentioned, frequent rumors were brought to him, and Labienus was informed through letters, that all the Belgae, which we had stated to be one-third of Gaul, were conspiring against the Roman people and exchanging hostages among themselves. The reasons for this conspiracy were said to be: first, because they feared that, with all of Gaul pacified, our army would be led against them;

华文: 当凯撒在高卢内陆地区(冬季营地)时,正如我们之前所述,频繁的传闻传到他那里,同时拉比乌努斯也通过信函得知,所有的比利时人,即我们称之为高卢的三分之一,正在反对罗马人民,并彼此交换人质。他们结盟反叛的原因有以下几点:首先,他们担心一旦整个高卢平定,我们的军队会被引导到他们那里;

Commentary: The Belgae were a Celtic confederation inhabiting the northeastern part of Gaul, corresponding roughly to modern-day Belgium, northern France, and parts of the Netherlands. They were known for their fierce independence and warlike nature. The name "Belgae" itself is believed to derive from a Celtic word meaning "bold" or "brave."


deinde quod ab non nullis Gallis sollicitarentur, partim qui, ut Germanos diutius in Gallia versari noluerant, ita populi Romani exercitum hiemare atque inveterascere in Gallia moleste ferebant, partim qui mobilitate et levitate animi novis imperiis studebant; ab non nullis etiam quod in Gallia a potentioribus atque iis qui ad conducendos homines facultates habebant vulgo regna occupabantur; qui minus facile eam rem imperio nostro consequi poterant.

Eng: Furthermore, they were being instigated by certain Gauls, some of whom, having been unwilling to allow the Germans to remain in Gaul any longer, were resentful of the Roman army wintering and establishing a long-standing presence in Gaul. Others were driven by their fickle and restless nature, eager for new rulers. Additionally, there were some who were frustrated that in Gaul, dominions were being seized by the more powerful individuals and those who had the means to hire men, which they themselves could not easily achieve under our rule.

华文: 然后是因为一些高卢人受到了招揽,其中一部分人是因为他们不愿意让日耳曼人在高卢停留更久,对罗马人民的军队在高卢过冬和扎根感到不悦;另一部分人则是因为他们思想上的浮躁和轻率,渴望新的统治。还有一些人之所以反叛,是因为在高卢,权势更大的人和那些有能力雇佣士兵的人通常会霸占王位,而那些无法轻易通过我们的统治获得这一地位。

Commentary: The phrase "facultates habebant" means "they had resources" or "they had the means." This demonstrates the use of the noun "facultates" (resources, means) and the verb "habebant" (they had)


[2] His nuntiis litterisque commotus Caesar duas legiones in citeriore Gallia novas conscripsit et inita aestate in ulteriorem Galliam qui deduceret Q. Pedium legatum misit. Ipse, cum primum pabuli copia esse inciperet, ad exercitum venit.

Eng: Upon receiving these reports and letters, Caesar was alarmed and raised two new legions in Cisalpine Gaul. In the early summer, he sent Quintus Pedius, a legate, to lead them into Transalpine Gaul. Caesar himself arrived with the army as soon as the supply of provisions allowed.

华文: 受到这些消息和信件的影响,恺撒动员了两个新编的军团在内高卢,并在夏季初派遣了使节奎·佩迪乌斯去引导军队前往外高卢。恺撒自己在粮草充足的时候也前往军队所在地。

Commentary: Caesar, upon receiving the news and letters, took action by raising two new legions in Cisalpine Gaul (citeriore Gallia). Thus highlighting his ability to quickly mobilize forces and respond to emerging situations.


Dat negotium Senonibus reliquisque Gallis qui finitimi Belgis erant uti ea quae apud eos gerantur cognoscant seque de his rebus certiorem faciant. Hi constanter omnes nuntiaverunt manus cogi, exercitum in unum locum conduci. Tum vero dubitandum non existimavit quin ad eos proficisceretur. Re frumentaria provisa castra movet diebusque circiter XV ad fines Belgarum pervenit.

Eng: Caesar entrusted the task to the Senones and other Gauls who were neighbors of the Belgae, instructing them to gather information about the situation among the Belgae and keep him informed. All of them consistently reported that forces were being assembled and an army was being brought together in one place. Caesar then had no doubt that he should set out towards them. With the grain supply secured, he moved his camp and, after approximately fifteen days, reached the territories of the Belgae.

华文: 恺撒委托塞诺尼族和其他与比利时接壤的高卢人去了解他们的情况,并让他们向自己提供确切的消息。这些人一致地报告说,敌人正在集结兵力,将军队聚集到一个地方。于是,恺撒毫不犹豫地决定前往他们那里。在粮食补给得到保证的情况下,他移动军营,并在约15天后到达比利时的边境。

Commentary: The phrase "diebus circiter XV" means "approximately fifteen days." "Diebus" refers to days, while "circiter" indicates an approximation or estimation


[3] Eo cum de improviso celeriusque omnium opinione venisset, Remi, qui proximi Galliae ex Belgis sunt, ad eum legatos Iccium et Andebrogium, primos civitatis, miserunt, qui dicerent se suaque omnia in fidem atque potestatem populi Romani permittere, neque se cum reliquis Belgis consensisse neque contra populum Romanum coniurasse, paratosque esse et obsides dare et imperata facere et oppidis recipere et frumento ceterisque rebus iuvare;

Eng: Upon Caesar's arrival, which was unexpectedly swift and faster than anyone anticipated, the Remi, who are the closest to Gaul among the Belgae, sent envoys Iccius and Andebrogius, the leading men of their state, to him. They declared that they were placing themselves and all their possessions under the trust and authority of the Roman people, that they had not allied themselves with the other Belgae or conspired against the Roman people. They stated their readiness to provide hostages, carry out commands, receive garrisons in their towns, and support with grain and other resources.

华文: 恺撒意外地比所有人预料的更快到达目的地后,靠近比利时的Remi族派遣了他们的首领伊修斯和安德布罗吉乌斯作为使者前往恺撒那里。他们表示自己将自己和他们的一切都交托给了罗马人民的信任和权力,他们没有与其他比利时人民达成一致,也没有与罗马人民结成阴谋。他们准备提供人质,执行命令,接收恺撒指示的城市,并提供粮食和其他援助。

Commentary: The Remi were a Celtic tribe inhabiting the territory that corresponds to modern-day northeastern France, primarily in the region of Champagne. They were considered one of the most powerful and influential tribes in the area during the late Iron Age.


reliquos omnes Belgas in armis esse, Germanosque qui cis Rhenum incolant sese cum his coniunxisse, tantumque esse eorum omnium furorem ut ne Suessiones quidem, fratres consanguineosque suos, qui eodem iure et isdem legibus utantur, unum imperium unumque magistratum cum ipsis habeant, deterrere potuerint quin cum iis consentirent.

Eng: They reported that all the remaining Belgae were in arms, and that the Germans dwelling on this side of the Rhine had joined forces with them. They emphasized the intensity of their collective fervor, to the extent that not even the Suessiones, their fellow tribesmen and kinsmen who share the same rights and laws, were able to deter them from joining the common cause and sharing the same government and magistrates as the others.

华文: 其他比利时人民都在武装起来,与居住在莱茵河这边的日耳曼人结盟,所有人民都表现出如此狂热,以至于就连苏埃西奥尼人,他们是他们的兄弟和亲属,享有同样的权益和法律,也无法阻止他们与敌人达成一致,与他们联合行动。

Commentary: The expression "tantumque esse eorum omnium furorem" uses "esse" (to be) to convey the idea of "there is" or "there exists." "furorem" (fury) emphasizes the intensity of their determination.