De Bello Gallico, Liber Primus 44-45

English and Chinese Commentary

· Translations,Latin,华文,English,De Bello Gallico

[44] Ariovistus ad postulata Caesaris pauca respondit, de suis virtutibus multa praedicavit: transisse Rhenum sese non sua sponte, sed rogatum et arcessitum a Gallis; non sine magna spe magnisque praemiis domum propinquosque reliquisse; sedes habere in Gallia ab ipsis concessas, obsides ipsorum voluntate datos; stipendium capere iure belli, quod victores victis imponere consuerint.

Eng: Ariovistus provided a brief response to Caesar's demands and extensively praised his own virtues. He stated that he had crossed the Rhine not of his own accord, but at the invitation and summons of the Gauls. He emphasized that he had left his homeland and kin behind, not without great hope and rewards. He claimed to have obtained settlements in Gaul granted to him by the Gauls themselves and to have received hostages willingly given by them. He asserted his right to levy tribute as a consequence of war, as it is customary for victors to impose it upon the vanquished.

华文: 阿里奥维斯特斯对凯撒的要求作出了简短的回应,并大谈自己的英勇之处:他之所以跨过莱茵河并不是出于自愿,而是在高卢人的请求和召唤下;他离开家乡并带走了很大的期望和丰厚的奖励;他在高卢拥有的领土是由高卢人自愿让渡的,人质也是高卢人自愿交出的;他按照战争法的规定收取战争赔款,这是胜者常常强加于败者的。

Commentary: Continuing from the previous confrontation with Caesar, Ariovistus presents his case.

Ariovistus uses concessas (granted) and voluntate datos (given willingly) to emphasize the agreements and collaborations he claims to have with the Gauls. He also employs the term stipendium (tribute) to assert his right to collect payment from the defeated Gauls, drawing on the established practice of victors imposing obligations on the vanquished.


Non sese Gallis sed Gallos sibi bellum intulisse: omnes Galliae civitates ad se oppugnandum venisse ac contra se castra habuisse; eas omnes copias a se uno proelio pulsas ac superatas esse. Si iterum experiri velint, se iterum paratum esse decertare; si pace uti velint, iniquum esse de stipendio recusare, quod sua voluntate ad id tempus pependerint.

Eng: He claimed that it was not he who initiated the war against the Gauls, but rather the Gauls who waged war against him. According to Ariovistus, all the tribes of Gaul came to attack him and set up camps against him. He boasted that he had defeated and overcome all those forces in a single battle. He declared his readiness to engage in combat again if they wished to test him once more. However, if they desired peace, he considered it unfair for them to refuse the tribute that they willingly agreed to pay up until that point.

华文: 阿里奥维斯特斯表示他并不是攻击高卢人,而是高卢人向他发起了战争:高卢境内的所有城邦都来攻打他,并与他对峙;在一次战斗中,他打败了所有这些军队并战胜了它们。如果他们想再次尝试,他也准备好再次战斗;如果他们想要和平,拒绝支付已经欠下的战争赔款是不公平的,因为他们是自愿支付的。

Commentary: In this passage, Ariovistus uses Latin phrases to convey his arguments and position. He states that "non sese Gallis sed Gallos sibi bellum intulisse," meaning "that it was not he who waged war against the Gauls, but rather the Gauls who initiated hostilities against him." Here, he distinguishes between "Gallis" (to the Gauls) and "Gallos" (the Gauls), using different forms to indicate the subject and object of the action.


Amicitiam populi Romani sibi ornamento et praesidio, non detrimento esse oportere, atque se hac spe petisse. Si per populum Romanum stipendium remittatur et dediticii subtrahantur, non minus libenter sese recusaturum populi Romani amicitiam quam adpetierit. Quod multitudinem Germanorum in Galliam traducat, id se sui muniendi, non Galliae oppugnandae causa facere; eius rei testimonium esse quod nisi rogatus non venerit et quod bellum non intulerit sed defenderit.

Eng: He asserted that the friendship of the Roman people should be a source of honor and protection for him, not a detriment. He claimed to have sought this friendship with the hope that it would bring him benefits. However, if the tribute is waived by the Roman people and the surrendered people are taken away, he would be just as inclined to reject the friendship of the Roman people as he had been to seek it. As for his decision to bring a multitude of Germans into Gaul, he argued that it was for the purpose of securing his own position, not for attacking Gaul. He cited as evidence the fact that he had not come uninvited and that he had not initiated the war but rather defended himself.

华文: 罗马人民的友谊对他来说应该是荣耀和保护,而不是损害,他是出于这种希望而寻求友谊的。如果通过罗马人民取消战争赔款并撤回降服者,他将与渴望友谊的罗马人民一样乐意拒绝友谊。他将大量的日耳曼人引入高卢并非是为了进攻高卢,而是为了自卫;这一点可以证明他不是自愿前来的,也不是发动战争,而是在进行自卫。

Commentary: "Amicitiam populi Romani sibi ornamento et praesidio, non detrimento esse oportere," meaning "Friendship with the Roman people should be for him an honor and protection, not a disadvantage." Here, he uses the phrase "sibi ornamento et praesidio" to emphasize the benefits he expects from the friendship.


Se prius in Galliam venisse quam populum Romanum. Numquam ante hoc tempus exercitum populi Romani Galliae provinciae finibus egressum. Quid sibi vellet? Cur in suas possessiones veniret? Provinciam suam hanc esse Galliam, sicut illam nostram. Ut ipsi concedi non oporteret, si in nostros fines impetum faceret, sic item nos esse iniquos, quod in suo iure se interpellaremus.

Eng: He claimed to have arrived in Gaul before the Roman people. He stated that the Roman army had never before crossed the boundaries of the Gallic province. He questioned what his intentions were and why he would come into his own possessions. He asserted that this province, Gaul, was his own, just as Rome claimed its own province. He argued that if he were not to be granted the same privilege and faced an attack on his territory, it would be unjust. Similarly, he considered it unfair that Rome would interfere in his rightful domain.

华文: 他先于罗马人进入了高卢,从未在这个时期之前,罗马人民的军队离开过高卢省的领土。他的意图是什么?为什么要进入他们的领地?他认为这个省份是他自己的高卢,就像那个省份是我们的一样。如果他对我们的领土发动进攻,我们不允许他进入,那样我们也会被视为不公平,因为我们干涉了他的权利。

Commentary: The migration of Germanic tribes into Gaul occurred over a span of several centuries, with different tribes and waves of migration taking place at different times. The earliest recorded major incursions of Germanic tribes into Gaul occurred in the late 2nd century BCE. Approximately during the same period, the Romans had influences and interactions in the region as well, but they had not settled nor established direct control of the region.

Thus it can be seen from Ariovistus point of view, that he was the owner of the territory due to first mover advantage.

For example, the Cimbri and Teutones, two Germanic tribes, entered Gaul around 109 BCE and clashed with the Roman Republic in the famous battles of Arausio (105 BCE) and Aquae Sextiae (102 BCE). These events marked some of the earliest large-scale encounters between Germanic tribes and the Romans in Gaul.


Quod fratres a senatu Haeduos appellatos diceret, non se tam barbarum neque tam imperitum esse rerum ut non sciret neque bello Allobrogum proximo Haeduos Romanis auxilium tulisse neque ipsos in iis contentionibus quas Haedui secum et cum Sequanis habuissent auxilio populi Romani usos esse. Debere se suspicari simulata Caesarem amicitia, quod exercitum in Gallia habeat, sui opprimendi causa habere.

Eng: He claimed to be aware that the Senate had addressed the Haedui as brothers. He asserted that he was neither so barbaric nor so ignorant of affairs to be unaware that during the recent war with the Allobroges, the Haedui had provided aid to the Romans, and that they had also received assistance from the Roman people in the conflicts they had with both the Haedui and the Sequani. He suspected that Caesar's feigned friendship was a ploy to have a military presence in Gaul for the purpose of oppressing him.

华文: 他说自己并不是如此野蛮或无知,以至于不知道阿洛布罗格人战争期间埃杜阿人为罗马提供了援助,也知道在埃杜阿人和塞奎亚纳人之间的争斗中,他们曾获得了罗马人民的帮助。他怀疑凯撒假装与他交好,因为他在高卢拥有军队,目的是为了打压他自己。

Commentary: Simulata Caesarem amicitia, through this phrase, we can see that Ariovistus suspects that Caesar's friendship (amicitia) is merely a pretense. This reflects the political calculations and suspicions of Ariovistus regarding Caesar's intentions and the true purpose of the Roman army's presence in Gaul.


Qui nisi decedat atque exercitum deducat ex his regionibus, sese illum non pro amico sed pro hoste habiturum. Quod si eum interfecerit, multis sese nobilibus principibusque populi Romani gratum esse facturum (id se ab ipsis per eorum nuntios compertum habere), quorum omnium gratiam atque amicitiam eius morte redimere posset.

Eng: He threatened that unless Caesar withdrew his army from those regions, he would not consider him a friend but an enemy. He also stated that if he were to kill Caesar, he would earn the gratitude of many noble and influential leaders of the Roman people, as he had learned from their own messengers. He believed that he could secure the favor and friendship of all of them by his death.

华文: 他表示,除非凯撒离开并撤回军队离开这些地区,否则他将视其为敌人而非朋友。他警告说,如果他杀死了凯撒,他将获得许多罗马贵族和领袖的感激(他通过他们的使者得知了这一点),他可以通过他的死来赎回所有人的感激和友谊。

Commentary: During Caesar's time, there were various factions within the Roman elite who held grievances or rivalries against him. These factions emerged due to political, personal, and ideological differences. Some notable factions and individuals include:

Optimates: The Optimates were a conservative faction within the Roman Senate who upheld traditional values and opposed Caesar's populist and reformist agenda. They viewed him as a threat to the established order and the power of the Senate.

Pompeians: This faction was led by Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus, commonly known as Pompey the Great. Pompey had previously been Caesar's ally but their relationship deteriorated over time. After their alliance ended, Pompey and his supporters became a significant opposition to Caesar's growing power and influence.

Marcus Cato: Marcus Porcius Cato Uticensis, also known as Cato the Younger, was a staunch conservative and a prominent member of the Optimates. He strongly opposed Caesar's reforms and expansion of powers and actively worked against him in the Senate.

Marcus Calpurnius Bibulus: Bibulus was a politician and one of Caesar's co-consuls in 59 BCE. He had a strained relationship with Caesar and frequently clashed with him during their joint consulship. Bibulus represented the conservative faction and attempted to obstruct Caesar's legislative initiatives.


Quod si decessisset et liberam possessionem Galliae sibi tradidisset, magno se illum praemio remuneraturum et quaecumque bella geri vellet sine ullo eius labore et periculo confecturum.

Eng: Ariovistus claimed that if Caesar were to withdraw and hand over the free control of Gaul to him, he would reward him greatly and ensure that any wars he wished to wage would be fought without any effort or risk on Caesar's part.

华文: 他表示,如果凯撒离开并将整个高卢自由地交给他,他将给予他巨大的奖赏,并愿意代表他执行任何他想要打的战争,而无需他自己付出任何努力和风险。

Commentary: In this context, "Quod si decessisset et liberam possessionem Galliae sibi tradidisset" translates to "If he were to withdraw and hand over free possession of Gaul to him." Ariovistus promises a substantial reward to Caesar in return, expressing his intention to reward him generously ("magno se illum praemio remuneraturum"). Additionally, Ariovistus assures Caesar that he would take care of any military campaigns or wars without Caesar having to exert any effort or face any danger ("quaecumque bella geri vellet sine ullo eius labore et periculo confecturum").


[45] Multa a Caesare in eam sententiam dicta sunt quare negotio desistere non posset: neque suam neque populi Romani consuetudinem pati ut optime meritos socios desereret, neque se iudicare Galliam potius esse Ariovisti quam populi Romani. Bello superatos esse Arvernos et Rutenos a Q. Fabio Maximo, quibus populus Romanus ignovisset neque in provinciam redegisset neque stipendium posuisset.

Eng: Caesar expressed several reasons why he could not abandon the matter: it went against both his own and the Roman people's custom to abandon allies who had served them well, and he considered Gaul to be under the authority of the Roman people rather than Ariovistus. He cited the example of the defeated Arverni and Rutene tribes, who had been forgiven by the Roman people and not subjected to provincial rule or taxation.

华文: 凯撒提出了许多理由,解释为什么他不能放弃这个事务:既不能违背自己和罗马人民的传统,抛弃那些表现优秀的盟友,也不能认为高卢比罗马人更重要。他提到了阿尔维尔诺斯和鲁特诺斯在奎因图斯·法比乌斯·马克西姆斯的统治下被战胜,但罗马人民宽恕了他们,没有将其纳入省份,也没有征收赋税。

Commentary: Caesar puts forth two main reasons why he cannot abandon the situation. Firstly, it goes against his own principles and the established customs of the Roman people to abandon allies who have served them well ("neque suam neque populi Romani consuetudinem pati ut optime meritos socios desereret"). Emphasising the importance of maintaining loyalty and gratitude towards deserving allies.

Secondly, he argues that he considers Gaul to belong to the Roman people rather than to Ariovistus ("neque se iudicare Galliam potius esse Ariovisti quam populi Romani"). He mentions past instances where the Roman people forgave and spared the defeated Arverni and Rutene tribes, not subjecting them to Roman rule or demanding tribute ("Bello superatos esse Arvernos et Rutenos a Q. Fabio Maximo, quibus populus Romanus ignovisset neque in provinciam redegisset neque stipendium posuisset").


Quod si antiquissimum quodque tempus spectari oporteret, populi Romani iustissimum esse in Gallia imperium; si iudicium senatus observari oporteret, liberam debere esse Galliam, quam bello victam suis legibus uti voluisset.

Eng: Caesar argued that if the most ancient times were to be considered, the Roman people's authority in Gaul would be the most just. However, if the judgment of the Senate were to be followed, Gaul should be free to govern itself according to its own laws, having been conquered in war.

华文: 如果我们考虑最古老的时期,罗马人民在高卢拥有最合理的统治权;如果我们要遵循参议院的判断,高卢应该是自由的,作为被战胜的国家,他们应该按照自己的法律来生活。

Commentary: The passage reflects a key debate during the time of Caesar's conquest of Gaul regarding the rightful authority over the region. Two contrasting viewpoints are being presented: one over the historical claim of the Roman people over Gaul, and the other emphasising the importance of respecting the Senate's decisions and granting Gaul the freedom to govern itself.