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De Bello Gallico, Liber Primus 40-41

English and Chinese Commentary

May 20, 2023

[40] Haec cum animadvertisset, convocato consilio omniumque ordinum ad id consilium adhibitis centurionibus, vehementer eos incusavit: primum, quod aut quam in partem aut quo consilio ducerentur sibi quaerendum aut cogitandum putarent. Ariovistum se consule cupidissime populi Romani amicitiam adpetisse; cur hunc tam temere quisquam ab officio discessurum iudicaret?

Eng: Having noticed these things, he convened a council and, with the centurions of all ranks present, strongly rebuked them. First, he criticized them for thinking that they should inquire or consider in which direction or with what purpose they were being led. He reminded them that Ariovistus had eagerly sought the friendship of the Roman people during his consulship, so why would anyone judge that he would so easily deviate from his duty?

华文: 凯撒察觉到这一点,召集了所有阶层的人们,并邀请了百人队长参与讨论,他强烈谴责他们:首先,他们为什么认为他们需要去询问或思考他们应该采取何种立场或策略。阿里乌斯特极其渴望获得罗马人民的友谊;为什么有人认为他会轻易地背离他的责任呢?

Commentary: The phrase "quam in partem aut quo consilio" shows the flexibility of word order in the Latin language. This flexibility without altering the meaning behind the sentence allows the writer to convey a specific emphasis or rhetorical effect.


Sibi quidem persuaderi cognitis suis postulatis atque aequitate condicionum perspecta eum neque suam neque populi Romani gratiam repudiaturum. Quod si furore atque amentia impulsum bellum intulisset, quid tandem vererentur? Aut cur de sua virtute aut de ipsius diligentia desperarent? Factum eius hostis periculum patrum nostrorum memoria Cimbris et Teutonis a C. Mario pulsis [cum non minorem laudem exercitus quam ipse imperator meritus videbatur]; factum etiam nuper in Italia servili tumultu, quos tamen aliquid usus ac disciplina, quam a nobis accepissent, sublevarint.

Eng: He was convinced that, once his demands were known and the fairness of the conditions was understood, Ariovistus would not reject his own favor nor that of the Roman people. And if he were to wage war driven by fury and madness, what should they fear? Why should they despair either of their own valor or of his diligence? The danger posed by that enemy was demonstrated by the memory of our ancestors, who, under the leadership of Gaius Marius, vanquished the Cimbri and the Teutones, earning not only great praise for the army but also for the general himself. The recent servile uprising in Italy also showed that even those who had received some training and discipline from us were able to be quelled.

华文: 他相信,在了解了自己的要求并评估了条件的公正性后,阿里乌斯特不会拒绝他自己和罗马人民的友谊。如果他被狂热和疯狂驱使发动战争,他们到底害怕什么呢?为什么要对自己的勇气或他本人的努力绝望呢?我们的祖先记得他所取得的战绩,如何击退了 加卢斯·马留斯 所驱逐的 金布里人和图东人[军队的荣誉似乎并不亚于将军本人];最近在意大利发生的奴隶暴乱也是如此,尽管他们在我们这里获得了一些经验和纪律,但仍然得到了一些帮助。

Commentary: His use of phrases like "furore atque amentia" (madness and frenzy) and "sua virtute" (their own bravery) further serves to emphasize the irrationality and lack of competence on the part of their enemy.

The defeat of the Cimbri and Teutones by Gaius Marius was a significant event in Roman military history. In the late 2nd century BCE, these Germanic tribes posed a formidable threat to the Roman Republic. They had embarked on a migration and conquest campaign, crossing the Alps and infiltrating into Roman territories in Gaul and Italy.

Gaius Marius, a prominent Roman general and statesman, was tasked with defending the Republic against the invading tribes. He implemented several important military reforms, including the recruitment of landless volunteers into the army, which allowed for a larger and more professional force. Under Marius' leadership, the Roman army adopted a new formation known as the manipular legion, which provided greater flexibility and maneuverability.

The climactic battles against the Cimbri and Teutones took place in the years 102 and 101 BCE, primarily in Gaul. The most famous battle was the Battle of Aquae Sextiae (102 BCE), where Marius decisively defeated the Teutones.


Ex quo iudicari posse quantum haberet in se boni constantia, propterea quod quos aliquamdiu inermes sine causa timuissent hos postea armatos ac victores superassent. Denique hos esse eosdem Germanos quibuscum saepe numero Helvetii congressi non solum in suis sed etiam in illorum finibus plerumque superarint, qui tamen pares esse nostro exercitui non potuerint.

Eng: From this, it can be judged how much strength lies in their steadfastness, for those whom they had feared for a long time without cause when unarmed, they later overcame when armed and victorious. In fact, these are the same Germans with whom the Helvetians, on many occasions, have clashed not only within their own territories but also within the territories of the Germans themselves, and yet the Helvetians were unable to match our army.

华文: 由此可以判断出坚定的决心能够产生多大的好处,因为那些曾经毫无原因地害怕他们而后来却战胜了他们武装并获得胜利的人。总之,这些人就是那些与赫尔维蒂人经常交战的同样的德国人,他们经常在自己的领土上甚至在对方的领土上击败赫尔维蒂人,尽管他们无法与我们的军队相提并论。

Commentary: "Ex quo iudicari posse quantum haberet in se boni constantia" - This phrase expresses the idea that from this (example/situation), one could judge or assess the extent of the Germans' bravery and steadfastness. The use of "iudicari posse" (to be able to judge) and "quantum haberet in se" (how much they possessed within themselves) emphasizes the evaluation of the Germans' qualities.


Si quos adversum proelium et fuga Gallorum commoveret, hos, si quaererent, reperire posse diuturnitate belli defatigatis Gallis Ariovistum, cum multos menses castris se ac paludibus tenuisset neque sui potestatem fecisset, desperantes iam de pugna et dispersos subito adortum magis ratione et consilio quam virtute vicisse.

Eng: If anyone was moved by the battle and the retreat of the Gauls, they could find that Ariovistus, after wearing out the Gauls with the prolonged duration of the war, had held himself in his camps and swamps for many months, not allowing them any opportunity, and that he had conquered them suddenly when they had already lost hope of fighting and were scattered, more through strategy and cunning than through sheer valor.

华文: 如果有些人因与高卢人的战斗和溃败而感到不安,那么在战争的漫长消耗下,当高卢人筋疲力尽时,他们可以发现阿里约维斯托已经在军营和沼泽地里坚守了数月之久,不给他们以机会。因为他们对战斗已经绝望,而他突然以谋略和计谋胜过了他们,而不仅仅是靠勇气。

Commentary: Ariovistus employed a strategy of attrition, wearing down the Gauls through a prolonged war. He held his forces in camps and marshes for many months, depriving the Gauls of decisive battles and causing them to become fatigued and desperate.

This is a double-edged sword as the hostile conditions in these areas meant that disease and food spoilage would have been a constant problem for them. These tactics are ridiculed as barbarous by the Romans, however, this also demonstrates the fortitude of the Germanic barbarians and their resilience to the environment.


Cui rationi contra homines barbaros atque imperitos locus fuisset, hac ne ipsum quidem sperare nostros exercitus capi posse. Qui suum timorem in rei frumentariae simulationem angustiasque itineris conferrent, facere arroganter, cum aut de officio imperatoris desperare aut praescribere viderentur.

Eng: Against such barbaric and inexperienced men, there would have been no room even for him to hope that our armies could be captured. Those who attributed their fear to concerns about provisions and the difficulties of the march were acting arrogantly, as they seemed either to despair of their duty as commander or to dictate terms.

华文: 对于这样的野蛮和无经验的人来说,他们甚至无法指望我们的军队会被困。那些把他们的恐惧归咎于粮食供应问题和行军困难的人,行为傲慢,因为他们似乎要么对将军的责任感到绝望,要么自以为能够指示他。

Commentary: The Romans were seen as more organized, disciplined, and experienced in warfare compared to the barbarians, who were described as "homines barbaros atque imperitos" (barbaric and inexperienced men).


Haec sibi esse curae; frumentum Sequanos, Leucos, Lingones subministrare, iamque esse in agris frumenta matura; de itinere ipsos brevi tempore iudicaturos. Quod non fore dicto audientes neque signa laturi dicantur, nihil se ea re commoveri: scire enim, quibuscumque exercitus dicto audiens non fuerit, aut male re gesta fortunam defuisse aut aliquo facinore comperto avaritiam esse convictam.

Eng: He takes care of these matters; the Sequani, Leuci, and Lingones will provide the grain, and the crops are already ripe in the fields. They will soon judge for themselves regarding the march. As for those who are said not to obey orders or carry the standards, he claims to be unaffected by it. For he knows that whenever an army does not heed commands, it is either due to misfortune resulting from poor execution or avarice exposed by some wrongdoing.

华文: 这些事情他已经考虑到了;粮食会由塞奎亚诺人、罗克索人和林戈尼人提供,并且农田中的谷物已经成熟;关于行军路线,他相信很快就会得到他们自己的判断。至于那些声称不会听从命令,不会执起军旗的人,他对此并不感到担忧:他知道,任何不听从命令的军队,要么是因为战绩不佳而丧失了运气,要么是因为某种罪行暴露了贪婪。

Commentary: The mention of supplies is seen to be key in raising the morale of the army. In this passage, he states that the supply of grain is being provided by the Sequani, Leuci, and Lingones tribes, and that the crops in the fields are already ripe. This demonstrates the importance of securing adequate food supplies for the Roman army during their campaigns.


Suam innocentiam perpetua vita, felicitatem Helvetiorum bello esse perspectam. Itaque se quod in longiorem diem conlaturus fuisset repraesentaturum et proxima nocte de quarta vigilia castra moturum, ut quam primum intellegere posset utrum apud eos pudor atque officium an timor plus valeret.

Eng: His innocence and the Helvetians' success in war have been proven through his lifelong conduct. Therefore, he announces that he will delay the meeting to a later date and move the camp at the fourth watch of the next night, so that he may ascertain as soon as possible whether among them honor and duty or fear hold greater sway.

华文: 他坚信自己的无辜和长期以来对于赫尔维蒂人战争的幸运。因此,他表示将会推迟行军,并在第四夜的四点钟离营,以尽快了解到底是荣誉和责任在他们心中更为重要,还是恐惧更占上风。

Commentary: The mention of the fourth watch (quarta vigilia) indicates the specific time at which Caesar plans to break camp and move. The Roman military divided the night into four watches, with each watch lasting approximately three hours.


Quod si praeterea nemo sequatur, tamen se cum sola decima legione iturum, de qua non dubitet, sibique eam praetoriam cohortem futuram. Huic legioni Caesar et indulserat praecipue et propter virtutem confidebat maxime.

Eng: If no one else follows, he still declares that he will march with only the Tenth Legion, in which he has no doubt and considers it his praetorian cohort. Caesar had shown great favor to this legion and had the utmost confidence in its valor.

华文: 即使没有其他人跟随,他仍然会与第十军团独自前行,对于这个军团他毫不怀疑,并且认为它将成为他的近卫队。对于这支军团,凯撒特别宠爱并且对其勇气有最大的信心。


The reference to the Tenth Legion becoming his praetorian cohort indicates a special status and honor bestowed upon them. The praetorian cohort was an elite unit that served as a personal bodyguard for high-ranking Roman officials, including the praetor or commander-in-chief. This further highlights the exceptional reputation and trust that Caesar placed in the Tenth Legion.

The Tenth Legion, also known as Legio X Equestris or Legio X Gemina, was originally raised by Julius Caesar in 61 BCE during his governorship in Hispania (modern-day Spain). It was initially composed of Roman citizens who possessed equestrian status, which means they had a certain level of wealth and social standing.

[41] Hac oratione habita mirum in modum conversae sunt omnium mentes summaque alacritas et cupiditas belli gerendi innata est, princepsque X. legio per tribunos militum ei gratias egit quod de se optimum iudicium fecisset, seque esse ad bellum gerendum paratissimam confirmavit.

Eng: After this speech was delivered, minds were astonishingly transformed, and the highest enthusiasm and eagerness for waging war arose. The Tenth Legion, in particular, expressed their gratitude to Caesar through their military tribunes for having made an excellent judgment about them, and they affirmed that they were fully prepared for engaging in war.

华文: 发表这番演讲后,人们的心情奇迹般地改变,热切地渴望进行战争,第十军团的首领通过军官向凯撒表示感谢,因为他对他们做出了最佳的评判,他们也表示自己已经做好了最充分的准备来进行战斗。

Commentary: There are several notable phrases used in the passage:

"Mirum in modum": This expression means "in a remarkable manner" or "in an astonishing way." It highlights the extraordinary effect that Caesar's speech had on the soldiers.

"Summaque alacritas et cupiditas belli gerendi innata est": This sentence translates to "the utmost enthusiasm and desire for waging war were born."


Deinde reliquae legiones cum tribunis militum et primorum ordinum centurionibus egerunt uti Caesari satis facerent: se neque umquam dubitasse neque timuisse neque de summa belli suum iudicium sed imperatoris esse existimavisse.

Eng: Subsequently, the remaining legions, along with the military tribunes and centurions of the first ranks, assured Caesar that they were fully capable of meeting his expectations. They stated that they had never hesitated, feared, or doubted their judgment regarding the overall conduct of the war, but rather regarded it as the prerogative of the commander.

华文: 随后,其他军团与军官和高级百夫长一起表示,以向凯撒满足:他们从未怀疑、害怕或对战争的总体局势存有自己的判断,而是认为这是将军的责任。

Commentary: "Se neque umquam dubitasse neque timuisse neque de summa belli suum iudicium sed imperatoris esse existimavisse": This sentence translates to "They assured that they had never doubted, feared, or considered their own judgment to be superior to that of the commander."


Eorum satisfactione accepta et itinere exquisito per Diviciacum, quod ex Gallis ei maximam fidem habebat, ut milium amplius quinquaginta circuitu locis apertis exercitum duceret, de quarta vigilia, ut dixerat, profectus est. Septimo die, cum iter non intermitteret, ab exploratoribus certior factus est Ariovisti copias a nostris milia passuum IIII et XX abesse.

Eng: Having received their assurance and having planned the route with the help of Diviciacus, who enjoyed great trust among the Gauls, Caesar set out as he had announced, leading his army in an extended formation of over fifty miles through open territory. On the seventh day, while not pausing their march, Caesar was informed by scouts that Ariovistus' forces were only twenty-four miles away from his own.

华文: 在他们的满意和透过有着最大信任的迪维修斯的建议选择的道路上,他领导军队在开阔地区行军了超过五十公里的距离。正如他之前所说的,在第四更时他出发了。第七天,当他没有中断行军时,他从侦察兵那里得知,阿里奥维斯特的军队距离我们有二十四英里的距离。

Commentary: The pace of fifty miles in seven days can be considered relatively fast, the average daily march of a Roman legion was around 15 to 20 miles, depending on various factors such as terrain, weather conditions, and the availability of provisions.