De Bello Gallico, Liber Primus 4-5

English and Chinese Commentary

· 华文,English,De Bello Gallico,Latin,Translations

[4] Ea res est Helvetiis per indicium enuntiata. Moribus suis Orgetoricem ex vinculis causam dicere coegerunt; damnatum poenam sequi oportebat, ut igni cremaretur.

Eng: This matter was reported to the Helvetians through an informant. By their own customs, they forced Orgetorix to plead his case from chains; having been condemned, he was required to suffer the penalty of being burned by fire.

华文: 这件事通过密告告知赫尔维蒂人。按照他们的风俗,他们迫使奥赫托里克从铁链上申辩,因为被判有罪就必须接受惩罚,以火刑处死

Commentary: The Helvetii had a tradition of using death by fire as a form of punishment. This tradition dates back to pre-Roman times and was known as crematio. In this form of execution, the condemned person was tied to a stake or post and burned alive. This punishment was reserved for serious crimes such as treason and murder.

During the Roman conquest of Gaul, the Helvetii were incorporated into the Roman Empire and their use of crematio as a punishment was abolished. However, the tradition survived in some parts of Switzerland and continued to be used in isolated cases until the 18th century.


Die constituta causae dictionis Orgetorix ad iudicium omnem suam familiam, ad hominum milia decem, undique coegit, et omnes clientes obaeratosque suos, quorum magnum numerum habebat, eodem conduxit; per eos ne causam diceret se eripuit.

Eng: On the appointed day for the pleading of his cause, Orgetorix drew to the court all his vassals, numbering ten thousand, and led to the same place all his dependents and debtor-bondsmen, of whom he had a large number; by means of these, he rescued himself from the necessity of pleading his cause.

华文: 定下辩论日期后,奥格托里克斯强制要求他的所有家人和从各地招募的一万人前来出席审判,以及他拥有大量客户和负债者的人,他也让他们前来;通过他们来逃避自己进行辩护的责任

Commentary: The tradition of bringing a large number of people to plead a case in court was not specific to the Helvetii alone but was practiced by various Celtic tribes. This practice was rooted in their social and political organization, which was based on the concept of the clan or the tribe. In this system, an individual's social status and power were determined by the size and loyalty of their following.

Thus, when a prominent member of the tribe faced a legal issue, they would gather as many followers and clients as possible to plead their case. The belief was that the sheer number of supporters would sway the decision in their favor. Additionally, the clients and followers had an obligation to their patron and would not want to appear disloyal by failing to attend the court hearing.

This tradition was also related to the concept of honor and reputation, which was highly valued in Celtic culture. A leader who could gather a large following was seen as more powerful and honorable, and thus more likely to win their case. Overall, the practice of bringing a large number of people to plead a case in court was a reflection of the importance of social status, loyalty, and honor in Celtic society.


Cum civitas ob eam rem incitata armis ius suum exsequi conaretur multitudinemque hominum ex agris magistratus cogerent, Orgetorix mortuus est; neque abest suspicio, ut Helvetii arbitrantur, quin ipse sibi mortem consciverit.

Eng: While the state, enraged by this conduct, was attempting to impose its right by arms, and the magistrates were gathering a great body of men from the country, Orgetorix died, and there is no doubt that he committed suicide, as the Helvetii believe.

华文: 当城邦因此被激怒,试图动武维护他们的权利,并强迫许多来自乡间的人加入,奥吉托里克斯便去世了。瑞士人认为他自杀了,这个怀疑并没有消失。

Commentary: After Orgetorix's death, the Helvetii suspected that he may have taken his own life rather than face punishment for his actions. This reflects the importance of honor and reputation in Celtic society, where suicide was sometimes seen as a preferable alternative to dishonor or shame.


[5] Post eius mortem nihilo minus Helvetii id quodconstituerant facere conantur, ut e finibus suis exeant.

Eng: After his death, nevertheless, the Helvetii attempt to do what they had resolved, to go forth from their territories.

华文: 他死后,赫尔维蒂人仍试图执行他们的计划,离开自己的领土。


Ubi iam se ad eam rem paratos esse arbitrati sunt, oppida sua omnia, numero ad duodecim, vicos ad quadringentos, reliqua privata aedificia incendunt; 3 frumentum omne, praeter quod secum portaturi erant, comburunt, ut domum reditionis spe sublata paratiores ad omnia pericula subeunda essent; trium mensum molita cibaria sibi quemque domo efferre iubent.

Eng: When they thought they were now ready for this undertaking, they burned down all their own towns, to the number of about twelve, and their villages, to the number of about four hundred. They burned all the corn, except what they were about to carry with them, to make themselves readier for undergoing all dangers. They ordered each man to carry forth from home for himself provisions for three months.

华文: 当他们认为已经为此事做好准备时,他们烧毁了所有自己的城镇,大约有十二个,以及村庄,大约有四百个。他们烧毁了所有的谷物,除了他们即将带走的部分,以使自己更加准备好应对所有危险。他们命令每个人从家里带出自己三个月的口粮。

Commentary: The Helvetii burned down their own towns and villages as they prepared to leave for battle because they believed that by doing so, they would eliminate any possibility of returning home and instead, be more prepared to face any challenges and dangers ahead. This was also a way of cutting ties with their past and fully committing to their new journey.


Persuadent Rauracis et Tulingis et Latobrigis finitimis, uti eodem usi consilio oppidis
suis vicisque exustis una cum iis proficiscantur, Boiosque, qui trans Rhenum
incoluerant et in agrum Noricum transierant Noreiamque oppugnabant, receptos ad
se socios sibi adsciscunt.

Eng: The Helvetians persuaded the Rauraci, Tulingi, and Latobrigi, their neighboring tribes, to adopt the same plan and to set out with them, after burning down their own towns and villages. They also admitted into their alliance the Boii, who had dwelt beyond the Rhine and had crossed over into Noricum and were besieging the town of Noreia.

华文: 赫尔维蒂人说服了他们的邻近部落劳拉克人、土林吉人和拉托布里吉人,采取同样的计划,在烧毁自己的城镇和村庄后与他们一起出发。他们还加入了博伊人的联盟,这些人曾经居住在莱茵河以外,并越过诺里库姆河进入该地区,正在围攻诺雷亚城。

Commentary: The Boii were a Celtic tribe that migrated from modern-day Germany to the area of Bohemia and were known for their ironworking skills. Noreia was an important town in Noricum, a region located in modern-day Austria, known for its rich iron deposits.