[37] Haec eodem tempore Caesari mandata referebantur et legati ab Haeduis et a Treveris veniebant: Haedui questum quod Harudes, qui nuper in Galliam transportati essent, fines eorum popularentur: sese ne obsidibus quidem datis pacem Ariovisti redimere potuisse;
Eng: At the same time, these messages were being reported to Caesar, and envoys were coming from the Haedui and the Treveri. The Haedui were complaining that the Harudes, who had recently been transported into Gaul, were plundering their territory. They said that they could not even buy peace from Ariovistus by giving hostages.
华文: 在同一时期,这些消息被报告给了凯撒,并来自埃杜伊和特里弗人的使者:埃杜伊人抱怨哈鲁德人最近移居到高卢后,抢掠他们的领土。即使提供人质也不能从阿里欧维斯获得和平。
Commentary: The Harudes were a Germanic tribe who inhabited the region around the upper Elbe river in what is now modern-day Germany. They are believed to have been part of the larger Suebi tribal group. The Harudes were known for their military prowess and fighting skills, and were often hired as mercenaries by other Germanic tribes or by the Roman Empire.
Treveri autem, pagos centum Sueborum ad ripas Rheni consedisse, qui Rhenum transire conarentur; his praeesse Nasuam et Cimberium fratres. Quibus rebus Caesar vehementer commotus maturandum sibi existimavit, ne, si nova manus Sueborum cum veteribus copiis Ariovisti sese coniunxisset, minus facile resisti posset. Itaque re frumentaria quam celerrime potuit comparata magnis itineribus ad Ariovistum contendit.
Eng: The Treveri reported that a hundred cantons of the Suebi had settled on the banks of the Rhine, and were trying to cross it, and that Nasua and Cimberius, two brothers, were in charge of them. Caesar was greatly alarmed by these events and considered that he should hasten to take action, so that if this new body of Suebi joined forces with the veteran troops of Ariovistus, he would be less easily able to resist. Therefore, having collected supplies of grain as quickly as possible, he hurried to Ariovistus by forced marches.
华文: 而特列维人则报告称,100个古柏人部落已经驻扎在莱茵河畔,他们试图越过莱茵河,纳苏阿和辛贝利乌姆兄弟领导这些部落。听到这些消息,凯撒非常震惊,认为他必须尽快采取行动,以免古柏人的新军队与阿里乌维斯的旧军队联合起来,使他难以抵抗。于是,凯撒迅速筹备补给,以最快的速度赶往阿里乌维斯的营地。
Commentary: The Treveri were a Belgic tribe who lived in the northeast of Gaul, in what is now modern-day Luxembourg, parts of eastern Belgium, and the German Rhineland. They were known for their skilled horsemen and were considered a wealthy and powerful tribe.
The Suebi, on the other hand, were a large confederation of Germanic tribes who inhabited a vast territory that extended from the Rhine to the Vistula river. They were renowned for their military prowess and were one of the largest and most influential Germanic tribes of the time.
[38] Cum tridui viam processisset, nuntiatum est ei Ariovistum cum suis omnibus copiis ad occupandum Vesontionem, quod est oppidum maximum Sequanorum, contendere [triduique viam a suis finibus processisse]. Id ne accideret, magnopere sibi praecavendum Caesar existimabat. Namque omnium rerum quae ad bellum usui erant summa erat in eo oppido facultas,
Eng: After advancing three days' journey, it was reported to Caesar that Ariovistus with all his forces was hastening to occupy Vesontio, which is the largest town of the Sequani, and that he had marched three days' journey from his territories. Caesar believed that he must take great precautions to prevent this from happening, for in that town was the greatest supply of all the things which were useful for the war
华文: 当他走了三天的路程后,有人通知他阿里乌斯特率领他的全部军队前来占领维桑提奥,那是塞尔瓦诺人的最大城镇,并且已经向他们走了三天的路程。凯撒认为必须采取最大的预防措施,以防止这种情况的发生。因为在这个城镇里,有对于战争非常有用的一切资源。
Commentary: The town was located at a strategic crossroads and controlled access to the Rhine River valley, making it a key military objective.
idque natura loci sic muniebatur ut magnam ad ducendum bellum daret facultatem, propterea quod flumen [alduas] Dubis ut circino circumductum paene totum oppidum cingit, reliquum spatium, quod est non amplius pedum MDC, qua flumen intermittit, mons continet magna altitudine, ita ut radices eius montis ex utraque parte ripae fluminis contingant, hunc murus circumdatus arcem efficit et cum oppido coniungit. Huc Caesar magnis nocturnis diurnisque itineribus contendit occupatoque oppido ibi praesidium conlocat.
Eng: and nature had fortified it in such a manner as to afford great facilities for conducting the campaign; for the river Doubs, almost surrounding it in the form of a circle, almost encircles the entire town, and the remaining space, which is not more than 1,200 feet where the river breaks through, is surrounded by a mountain of considerable height, so that the roots of this mountain touch the banks of the river on both sides. The town is thus made into a fortress by a wall encircling it and connecting it with the town. Caesar hastened to this place with great speed, both by day and by night, and having occupied the town, he placed a garrison there.
华文: 这是因为地理位置的缘故,使得在这座城市里发动战争有很大的可能性,因为杜比斯河环绕着几乎整个城市,像一个圆规一样;在河的另一侧,山体高耸,其根部从河的两岸延伸,这片区域不足两百步,城墙围绕着这座山形成了一个城堡并与城市相连。凯撒为此夜以继日地匆忙赶路,占领了这个城市并在那里驻扎了一支军队。
Commentary: The town of Vesontio was notable for its impressive fortifications. The city was built on a steep hill, which made it difficult to attack, and it was surrounded by a wall and a moat. In fact, Vesontio was considered to be one of the best-defended cities in Gaul at the time.
[39] Dum paucos dies ad Vesontionem rei frumentariae commeatusque causa moratur, ex percontatione nostrorum vocibusque Gallorum ac mercatorum, qui ingenti magnitudine corporum Germanos, incredibili virtute atque exercitatione in armis esse praedicabant (saepe numero sese cum his congressos ne vultum quidem atque aciem oculorum dicebant ferre potuisse), tantus subito timor omnem exercitum occupavit ut non mediocriter omnium mentes animosque perturbaret.
Eng: While staying for a few days at Vesontio for the sake of the supply of grain and provisions, through the questioning of our men and the voices of the Gauls and traders who proclaimed that the Germans were of immense bodily size, incredible bravery and skill in arms (they often said that they could not even bear to look at their faces and the gaze of their eyes after encountering them numerous times), such great fear suddenly seized the entire army that it greatly disturbed the minds and spirits of all.
华文: 在韦松特伊昂逗留几天,为了补给和粮草,通过与我们的人和高卢人和商人的询问和谈话,得知身材巨大的日耳曼人在战斗中具有难以置信的勇气和锻炼,多次与他们遭遇的人说他们甚至无法忍受他们的面容和眼神。这样的消息在短时间内引起了全军的恐慌,极大地扰乱了所有人的心理和情绪。
Commentary: It is interesting to note that at this time, the Romans had limited knowledge about the Germanic people and often relied on hearsay and rumors. This passage shows the power of word of mouth in shaping perceptions and attitudes towards a group of people, even among trained soldiers.
Hic primum ortus est a tribunis militum, praefectis, reliquisque qui ex urbe amicitiae causa Caesarem secuti non magnum in re militari usum habebant: quorum alius alia causa inlata, quam sibi ad proficiscendum necessariam esse diceret, petebat ut eius voluntate discedere liceret; non nulli pudore adducti, ut timoris suspicionem vitarent, remanebant.
Eng: At this point, the first signs of trouble emerged among the tribunes of the soldiers, the prefects, and others who had followed Caesar from the city out of friendship but had little military experience. Each of them, citing a different reason for their departure, requested permission to leave with Caesar's consent. Some, out of shame and to avoid suspicion of cowardice, chose to remain.
华文: 在这里,最初来自军官、长官和其他从城市出发仅是为了友谊而跟随凯撒的人们中,出现了对军事事务没有多大用处的不满情绪:其中一个又一个出于各自的理由请求凯撒允许自己离开,称这对于他的出发是必要的;一些人出于羞耻感,为了避免怀疑他们的恐惧,选择留下来。
Commentary: The Roman army relied heavily on experienced officers and non-commissioned officers to maintain order and discipline within the ranks. However, these individuals were often drawn from the lower classes of Roman society and did not have the same social status as senators, equestrians, and other members of the Roman elite. This could help explain why some of Caesar's followers from Rome did not have much military experience or usefulness in the field.
Hi neque vultum fingere neque interdum lacrimas tenere poterant: abditi in tabernaculis aut suum fatum querebantur aut cum familiaribus suis commune periculum miserabantur. Vulgo totis castris testamenta obsignabantur. Horum vocibus ac timore paulatim etiam ii qui magnum in castris usum habebant, milites centurionesque quique equitatui praeerant, perturbabantur.
Eng: These men were unable to disguise their emotions, nor could they sometimes hold back their tears: hidden away in their tents, they either lamented their own fate or shared in the common danger with their families. Throughout the camp, wills were being signed and sealed. Slowly, through the voices and fears of these men, even those who had great experience in the camp, such as soldiers, centurions, and those who commanded the cavalry, were disturbed.
华文: 这些人有时无法掩饰他们的面容,也有时控制不住自己的眼泪。他们或躲在帐篷里,抱怨自己的命运,或与家人一起同舟共济地面对共同的危险。在整个营地里,人们普遍开始立下遗嘱。这些人的声音和恐惧逐渐影响到了在营地中拥有丰富军事经验的士兵、百夫长和骑兵指挥官,使他们也变得惶恐不安。
Commentary: The passage mentions the soldiers and officers being unable to hide their emotions, such as crying or expressing fear openly. This is in contrast to the Roman ideal of stoicism and self-control, which was emphasized in military training.
The fact that even experienced soldiers and officers were affected by fear and uncertainty shows the difficult and dangerous nature of the situation they were facing.
Qui se ex his minus timidos existimari volebant, non se hostem vereri, sed angustias itineris et magnitudinem silvarum quae intercederent inter ipsos atque Ariovistum, aut rem frumentariam, ut satis commode supportari posset, timere dicebant. Non nulli etiam Caesari nuntiabant, cum castra moveri ac signa ferri iussisset, non fore dicto audientes milites neque propter timorem signa laturos.
Eng: Those who wished to be considered less fearful of them said that they did not fear the enemy, but the narrowness of the road and the magnitude of the forests that lay between them and Ariovistus, or the supply of provisions, which could be adequately supported. Some also reported to Caesar that when he ordered the camp to be moved and the standards to be carried, the soldiers would not obey his orders, neither by word nor by fear, and would not carry the standards.
华文: 那些想被认为不那么胆小的人们,并不害怕敌人,而是害怕道路的狭窄和分隔他们和阿里乌斯特之间的森林的大小,或者担心补给问题,以确保能够足够方便地支持他们。 一些人甚至向凯撒报告,当他下令移动营地和举起旗帜时,士兵不会听从命令,也不会因为害怕而抬起旗帜。
Commentary: The fear of Ariovistus by the Roman army stemmed from his reputation as a powerful and skilled warrior. According to the passage, Germanic tribesmen were said to possess "incredible courage and practice in arms," and were described as having "enormous bodies." Moreover, they were believed to have defeated the Roman army in several previous encounters, adding to their fearsome reputation.
The Roman soldiers were also intimidated by the sheer size of Ariovistus' army, which was said to include tens of thousands of soldiers. This was a much larger force than any that the Romans had previously faced, and the soldiers feared that they would not be able to hold their ground against such a powerful foe.