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De Bello Gallico, Liber Primus 34-36

English and Chinese Commentary

May 14, 2023

[34] Quam ob rem placuit ei ut ad Ariovistum legatos mitteret, qui ab eo postularent uti aliquem locum medium utrisque conloquio deligeret: velle sese de re publica et summis utriusque rebus cum eo agere. Ei legationi Ariovistus respondit: si quid ipsi a Caesare opus esset, sese ad eum venturum fuisse; si quid ille se velit, illum ad se venire oportere.

Eng: Therefore, it pleased him to send envoys to Ariovistus, who would demand that he choose some place in between for a conference. He expressed his desire to discuss the public affairs and the most important matters with him. Ariovistus responded to the embassy: If he needed something from Caesar, he would have come to him; if Caesar wanted something from him, he ought to come to him.

华文: 因此,他决定派遣使者前往阿里乌斯特,请求他们选择一个中间地点进行会谈:他希望与阿里乌斯特商讨共和国事宜和双方的重大问题。对于这个使者,阿里乌斯特回答说:如果凯撒有什么需要他的地方,他会亲自前往;如果凯撒有任何需求,那么他应该前往阿里乌斯特。

Commentary: It is not explicitly stated in historical sources which language Ariovistus spoke. However, it is generally assumed that he spoke a Germanic language, most likely a dialect of the East Germanic branch of the Germanic languages. The Gauls and Romans referred to the Germanic tribes as "barbarians," which means they spoke a language that was different from Latin or Gaulish. It is also known that Ariovistus had been living in Gaul for some time and had established a kingdom there, so it is possible that he may have also learned some Gaulish or Latin, although this is not confirmed in the sources.


Praeterea se neque sine exercitu in eas partes Galliae venire audere quas Caesar possideret, neque exercitum sine magno commeatu atque molimento in unum locum contrahere posse. Sibi autem mirum videri quid in sua Gallia, quam bello vicisset, aut Caesari aut omnino populo Romano negotii esset.

 Eng: Moreover, he said that he did not dare to come into those parts of Gaul which Caesar possessed without an army, nor could he bring his army together in one place without great effort and preparation. He considered it amazing that Caesar or the Roman people would have any business in his own Gaul, which he had conquered in war.

华文: 再者,他表示自己不敢不带军队前往凯撒占领的高卢地区,也无法不经过巨大的物资和军备集结,把军队集中在一个地方。对于他自己的领土高卢,已经在战争中获胜,他不明白为什么凯撒或罗马人民会对此有任何干涉。

Commentary: Ariovistus' assertion that he considered it "mirum" or amazing that the Romans would have any business in Gaul which he had conquered in war is particularly interesting. This statement reflects the tension between the Roman and Germanic worlds at the time, as well as the divergent perspectives of the two cultures on issues of conquest and territorial control.


[35] His responsis ad Caesarem relatis, iterum ad eum Caesar legatos cum his mandatis mittit: quoniam tanto suo populique Romani beneficio adfectus, cum in consulatu suo rex atque amicus a senatu appellatus esset, hanc sibi populoque Romano gratiam referret ut in conloquium venire invitatus gravaretur neque de communi re dicendum sibi et cognoscendum putaret, haec esse quae ab eo postularet:

Eng: Upon hearing these responses, Caesar sent another delegation to him with these instructions: Since he has been treated with such great kindness and favor by Caesar and the Roman people, and was even recognized as a king and friend by the Senate during his consulship, he should not hesitate to accept the invitation to a conference, as it would be ungrateful to refuse. Caesar wishes to discuss matters of common interest with him, and therefore requests that he agree to the following terms:

华文: 经过传达这些回答给凯撒后,凯撒再次派遣使节前来,并带来了这些命令:由于他曾经在自己的执政期间被参议院称作国王和朋友,同时又得到他和罗马人民如此巨大的好处,所以他应该回报这份恩情,并不应该推迟前来会谈。他也不应该认为没有必要就共同的事情进行讨论和了解。这些是凯撒向他提出的要求。

Commentary: The use of the term "rex" or king to refer to Ariovistus is noteworthy. Although he was not a king in the traditional sense, as the Germanic tribes were not monarchical, the term "rex" was used to acknowledge his leadership and power among his people. This shows how Caesar recognized and respected Ariovistus' authority and position, even though they were on opposing sides.


primum ne quam multitudinem hominum amplius trans Rhenum in Galliam traduceret; deinde obsides quos haberet ab Haeduis redderet Sequanisque permitteret ut quos illi haberent voluntate eius reddere illis liceret; neve Haeduos iniuria lacesseret neve his sociisque eorum bellum inferret.

 Eng: firstly, not to lead any more people across the Rhine into Gaul; secondly, to return the hostages he had from the Haedui and allow the Sequani to return those they had at their discretion; and finally, not to harm the Haedui, nor to wage war against them and their allies.

华文: 首先,他不要再将更多的人群跨过莱茵河传到高卢地区;其次,他需要交出从埃杜人那里拿到的人质,并允许塞瓦纳人自愿交出他们手中的人质;此外,他不要侵害埃杜人,也不要对他们和他们的盟友发动战争。

Commentary: From Caesar's perspective, the terms he asked of Ariovistus were reasonable, as they were aimed at preventing the Germanic migration into Gaul, protecting the allied Haedui, and avoiding conflict. However, from Ariovistus' perspective, they may not have been seen as reasonable, as he believed he had rightfully conquered his portion of Gaul and had the right to expand his territory.


Si [id] ita fecisset, sibi populoque Romano perpetuam gratiam atque amicitiam cum eo futuram; si non impetraret, sese, quoniam M. Messala, M. Pisone consulibus senatus censuisset uti quicumque Galliam provinciam obtineret, quod commodo rei publicae facere posset, Haeduos ceterosque amicos populi Romani defenderet, se Haeduorum iniurias non neglecturum.

Eng: If Ariovistus would comply with these demands, he and the Roman people would have everlasting gratitude and friendship with him. But if he refused, since the Senate had decreed during the consulship of Marcus Messala and Marcus Piso that whoever held the province of Gaul should defend the Haedui and other friends of the Roman people, he [Caesar] would not overlook the wrongs of the Haedui.

华文: 若他这样做了,他和罗马人民之间就将永远保持感激和友谊;如果未能达成协议,他将会像在马克西米努斯·马萨拉和马库斯·皮索尼担任执政官时期,参议院决定保护海杜亚和其他罗马人的朋友一样,保护海杜亚和其他罗马人的朋友,不会忽略海杜亚人所受的不公。

Commentary: Interestingly, the phrase "perpetuam gratiam atque amicitiam" used by Caesar to describe the potential outcome of complying with his demands has been used in modern times as a motto for various organizations, including a Belgian sports club and a Colombian environmental organization. The phrase emphasizes the importance of lasting gratitude and friendship in relationships.

 [36] Ad haec Ariovistus respondit: ius esse belli ut qui vicissent iis quos vicissent quem ad modum vellent imperarent. Item populum Romanum victis non ad alterius praescriptum, sed ad suum arbitrium imperare consuesse. Si ipse populo Romano non praescriberet quem ad modum suo iure uteretur, non oportere se a populo Romano in suo iure impediri.

Eng: Ariovistus replied to these words: It is the right of war that those who have won can command those whom they have conquered as they wish. Similarly, the Roman people are accustomed to rule over the conquered, not according to another's prescription, but according to their own discretion. If he himself did not dictate to the Roman people how to use their own rights, he should not be prevented by the Roman people from using his own rights.

华文: 阿里奥维斯特回答说:战争的规则是,胜利者可以任意支配被打败的人。同样,罗马人民也习惯于对打败的人进行自由支配,而不是按照其他人的规定。如果他没有规定罗马人民该如何行使自己的权利,那么罗马人民就没有权利限制他行使自己的权利。

Commentary: At the time, the Roman Empire was significantly larger than the Germanic tribes. The Roman Empire covered much of Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa, and had a population of tens of millions of people.

The Germanic tribes, on the other hand, were scattered throughout what is now Germany and the surrounding regions, and had a population in the millions. Therefore, it can be seen that this power balance is unequal and his refusal is doomed from the start.

Haeduos sibi, quoniam belli fortunam temptassent et armis congressi ac superati essent, stipendiarios esse factos. Magnam Caesarem iniuriam facere, qui suo adventu vectigalia sibi deteriora faceret. Haeduis se obsides redditurum non esse neque his neque eorum sociis iniuria bellum inlaturum, si in eo manerent quod convenisset stipendiumque quotannis penderent; si id non fecissent, longe iis fraternum nomen populi Romani afuturum.

Eng: Ariovistus claimed that the Aedui had become tributaries to him, since they had tried their fortune in war, fought and been defeated. He accused Caesar of committing a great wrong by making their taxes worse by his arrival. He declared that he would not give hostages to the Aedui, nor would he make war on them or their allies without just cause, if they remained loyal to their obligations and paid tribute annually. But if they did not do so, the brotherly name of the Roman people would be far from them.

华文: 由于埃杜人曾试图挑战战争的命运并使用武力,最终被击败,他们已成为他的保护国。如果凯撒到来后使他们失去收入,这将对凯撒造成巨大的不公。他说,他不会向他们或他们的盟友交出人质,如果他们继续按照约定履行年度赔款,他不会对他们或他们的盟友发动战争。否则,他们将失去罗马人的兄弟称号。

Commentary: The use of the term "stipendiarios" refers to a people or state that is required to pay tribute or a stipend to a more powerful ruler in exchange for protection or other benefits. This practice was common in ancient times and played a significant role in the relationships between different peoples and states.

The mention of the "fraternum nomen" or brotherly name of the Roman people is also of particular note. This highlights the importance of alliances and friendships in ancient politics, where the loyalty and support of allies could make all the difference in times of conflict. It also underscores the symbolic significance of Rome and the idea of Romanitas, or the shared identity and culture of the Roman people.


Quod sibi Caesar denuntiaret se Haeduorum iniurias non neglecturum, neminem secum sine sua pernicie contendisse. Cum vellet, congrederetur: intellecturum quid invicti Germani, exercitatissimi in armis, qui inter annos XIIII tectum non subissent, virtute possent.

Eng: Regarding Caesar's threat of taking action against him for any injustices against the Aedui, Ariovistus challenges Caesar to fight him and discover the bravery of the undefeated Germans, who, having endured harsh conditions for fourteen years, were among the most skilled warriors.

华文: 因为凯撒告诉他,他不会放任对埃杜阿人的不公正待遇,没有人可以和他争斗而不付出代价。他随时愿意和你交战:你将会意识到那些未曾进过房屋,毫无遮蔽之处的不屈德意志人,他们的勇气是何等之大,是训练有素的,值得尊敬的。

Commentary: In the passage, Ariovistus refers to the fact that the Germanic tribes, including his own people, had a tradition of living in the open air and not in houses or other structures with roofs.

This is a reference to their nomadic lifestyle and warrior culture, in which they valued mobility and the ability to quickly move and set up camp. The statement also emphasizes the hardiness and resilience of the Germanic people, who were accustomed to living and fighting in difficult outdoor conditions.

They may have lived in tents or temporary shelters made from natural materials such as branches, leaves, and animal skins.