[32] Hac oratione ab Diviciaco habita omnes qui aderant magno fletu auxilium a Caesare petere coeperunt. Animadvertit Caesar unos ex omnibus Sequanos nihil earum rerum facere quas ceteri facerent sed tristes capite demisso terram intueri. Eius rei quae causa esset miratus ex ipsis quaesiit.
Eng: After this speech was delivered by Diviciacus, all who were present began to implore Caesar for help with great weeping. Caesar noticed that only the Sequani among all the tribes were not doing anything which the others were doing but were looking at the ground sadly with their heads down. Surprised at this, he asked them directly what was the reason for this behavior.
华文: 凯撒注意到,所有在场的人都开始哭泣并向凯撒寻求帮助,这是在迪维西亚库的讲话之后发生的。凯撒发现,塞克瓦尼人中只有一部分人在采取行动,其他人却悲伤地低头看着地面。凯撒惊讶于这种情况,并向他们询问原因。
Commentary: The use of the ablative absolute construction in "Hac oratione ab Diviciaco habita," provides a concise and efficient way of introducing the subject of the sentence.
Additionally, the use of the historical present tense in "petere coeperunt" and "animadvertit" adds a sense of immediacy and urgency to the narrative.
Nihil Sequani respondere, sed in eadem tristitia taciti permanere. Cum ab his saepius quaereret neque ullam omnino vocem exprimere posset, idem Diviacus Haeduus respondit: hoc esse miseriorem et graviorem fortunam Sequanorum quam reliquorum, quod soli ne in occulto quidem queri neque auxilium implorare auderent absentisque Ariovisti crudelitatem, velut si coram adesset, horrerent, propterea quod reliquis tamen fugae facultas daretur, Sequanis vero, qui intra fines suos Ariovistum recepissent, quorum oppida omnia in potestate eius essent, omnes cruciatus essent perferendi.
Eng: The Sequani did not respond at all, but remained silent in the same sadness. When he repeatedly asked them and they still couldn't utter a word, Diviacus the Haeduan replied that the fate of the Sequani was even more miserable and difficult than that of the others. They alone did not even dare to complain in secret or to implore for help, and they trembled at the cruelty of Ariovistus as if he were present before them. This was because while the others still had the opportunity to flee, the Sequani who had received Ariovistus within their borders, and whose towns were all in his power, had to endure all the tortures.
华文: 然而,塞克瓦尼人都不回答,保持沉默和悲伤。最终,海杜斯人迪维亚库回答说,这是因为塞克瓦尼人的命运比其他人更加悲惨和沉重。他们不敢在秘密中抱怨或请求援助,甚至在没有阿里奥维斯特在场的情况下,也会感到恐惧。因为其他人至少还有逃跑的机会,而塞克瓦尼人已经让阿里奥维斯特占领了他们的领土,他控制着他们所有的城镇,他们不得不忍受所有的折磨。
Commentary: The Latin phrase "magno fletu" means "with great weeping" or "with great tears". This phrase emphasizes the desperation and emotion of the Sequani as they begged for Caesar's help.
[33] His rebus cognitis Caesar Gallorum animos verbis confirmavit pollicitusque est sibi eam rem curae futuram; magnam se habere spem et beneficio suo et auctoritate adductum Ariovistum finem iniuriis facturum. Hac oratione habita, concilium dimisit.
Eng: After learning of these things, Caesar strengthened the spirits of the Gauls with his words and promised them that he would take care of this matter. He expressed great hope that through his influence and authority, he would persuade Ariovistus to cease his injustices. After delivering this speech, he dismissed the council.
华文: 在了解了这些情况之后,凯撒用语言鼓励了高卢人的士气,并承诺自己将关注这件事。他表示,他有很大的希望,通过自己的帮助和影响,可以促使阿里奥维斯图结束对高卢人的侵害。讲话结束后,他解散了会议。
Commentary: Caesar's use of the phrase "curae futuram" or will be a matter of concern to him is an example of his careful use of language. By using this phrase instead of a stronger statement of commitment, he leaves himself some room for maneuver and does not commit to any specific action.
Et secundum ea multae res eum hortabantur quare sibi eam rem cogitandam et suscipiendam putaret, in primis quod Haeduos, fratres consanguineosque saepe numero a senatu appellatos, in servitute atque [in] dicione videbat Germanorum teneri eorumque obsides esse apud Ariovistum ac Sequanos intellegebat; quod in tanto imperio populi Romani turpissimum sibi et rei publicae esse arbitrabatur.
Eng: And according to these things, many circumstances urged him why he should consider and undertake this matter; foremost because he saw that the Haedui, who had often been called by the Senate their brothers and kinsmen, were held in servitude and under the sway of the Germans, and he understood that they were hostages with Ariovistus and the Sequani; which he thought was the most disgraceful thing for himself and for the republic in so great an empire of the Roman people.
华文: 根据这些事实,许多事情都鼓励他考虑并采取行动,首先因为他看到埃杜人经常被参议院称为兄弟和亲戚,而现在被德国人奴役和统治,他们的人质在阿里奥维斯特和塞库安人那里;他认为在罗马人民的这么大的帝国中,这是最可耻的事情,对他和共和国都是如此。
Commentary: The term "fratres consanguineosque" used in the Latin text means "brothers and blood relatives". Caesar's concern for the Haedui and his determination to protect them from Germanic domination was not just a matter of principle, but also of practicality. The Haedui controlled important trade routes and resources in central Gaul, and their submission to Ariovistus would have given him a strategic advantage over other Gallic tribes and threatened Roman interests in the region.
The phrase "in tanto imperio populi Romani turpissimum sibi et rei publicae esse arbitrabatur" means "he considered it most shameful for himself and the Roman state in such a great empire".
Paulatim autem Germanos consuescere Rhenum transire et in Galliam magnam eorum multitudinem venire populo Romano periculosum videbat, neque sibi homines feros ac barbaros temperaturos existimabat quin, cum omnem Galliam occupavissent, ut ante Cimbri Teutonique fecissent, in provinciam exirent atque inde in Italiam contenderent [, praesertim cum Sequanos a provincia nostra Rhodanus divideret]; quibus rebus quam maturrime occurrendum putabat. Ipse autem Ariovistus tantos sibi spiritus, tantam arrogantiam sumpserat, ut ferendus non videretur.
Eng: However, he gradually realized that the Germans were becoming accustomed to crossing the Rhine and bringing a large number of their people into Gaul, which he saw as dangerous for the Roman people. He did not believe that the fierce and barbaric men would restrain themselves from leaving the province and heading towards Italy, just as the Cimbri and Teutones had done before, especially since the Sequani were separated from our province by the Rhone River. He believed that he must confront these issues as soon as possible. Ariovistus himself had taken on such high spirits and such arrogance that he did not seem to be tolerable.
华文: 然而,他逐渐意识到德国人习惯于跨越莱茵河并在高卢地区聚集大量的人,这对罗马人民构成了危险。他不认为这些野蛮人会遵循自己的规则。他认为一旦这些人占领了整个高卢地区,他们会像辛布里人和提通人那样进入罗马领土,特别是因为塞奎安人和我们的省份之间被罗多河隔开。因此,他认为我们应该尽早采取措施。然而,阿里奥维斯特已经表现出了如此大的勇气和傲慢,以至于似乎无法忍受。
Commentary: The mention of the Cimbri and Teutones in the passage refers to earlier invasions of Roman territory by these Germanic tribes in the late 2nd century BCE. The memory of these invasions would have still been fresh in the minds of many Romans during Caesar's time.
These were ancient Germanic tribes who migrated southward from their homeland, possibly modern-day Denmark, in the late 2nd century BCE. They first encountered the Romans in 113 BCE when they defeated a Roman army at the Battle of Noreia. The Cimbri and Teutones continued to move southward and westward, defeating Roman armies along the way. In 105 BCE, they defeated a Roman army led by the consul Gnaeus Mallius Maximus at the Battle of Arausio, one of the worst defeats in Roman history.
The Cimbri and Teutones continued to be a major threat to the Romans until they were defeated in a series of battles by the Roman general Gaius Marius between 102 and 101 BCE. Marius reorganized the Roman army and introduced significant changes in the recruitment process, which allowed for greater flexibility and mobility in the field. His reforms proved to be highly successful in the wars against the Germanic tribes, and he became one of the most celebrated generals in Roman history.