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De Bello Gallico, Liber Primus 30-31

English and Chinese Commentary

May 10, 2023

[30]  Bello Helvetiorum confecto totius fere Galliae legati, principes civitatum, ad Caesarem gratulatum convenerunt: intellegere sese, tametsi pro veteribus Helvetiorum iniuriis populi Romani ab his poenas bello repetisset, tamen eam rem non minus ex usu [terrae] Galliae quam populi Romani accidisse,

Eng: After the conclusion of the war with the Helvetii, almost all the envoys and leaders of the Gallic states gathered to congratulate Caesar. They understood that, even though he had sought revenge for the old injustices of the Helvetii against the Roman people, the result was beneficial not only for the Roman people, but also for the land of Gaul.

华文: 战胜了赫尔维蒂人的战争之后,几乎整个高卢的使节和城邦领袖聚集到了凯撒那里,向他表示祝贺:他们认识到,即使为了对赫尔维蒂人旧时对罗马人的伤害进行报复,他们和罗马人从这次战争中所得到的好处对高卢地区同样有益。

Commentary: We can see that Caesar's conquests and diplomacy paved the way for the Romanization of Gaul, which would have a lasting impact on the region.


propterea quod eo consilio florentissimis rebus domos suas Helvetii reliquissent uti toti Galliae bellum inferrent imperioque potirentur, locumque domicilio ex magna copia deligerent quem ex omni Gallia oportunissimum ac fructuosissimum iudicassent, reliquasque civitates stipendiarias haberent.

Eng:It was for the following reason that the Helvetii left their homes, even though they were in a state of great prosperity, so that they could wage war against the whole of Gaul and seize control of it, and choose from the great abundance of land the most suitable and fruitful place to settle, which they considered to be the best in all of Gaul, and have the other cities pay tribute.

华文: 据此,赫尔维蒂人留下他们的繁荣家园是为了实现对整个高卢地区的进攻并掌控帝国,选择从大量地点中选择最适宜和最有成果的定居点,并持有其他的附庸城邦。


Petierunt uti sibi concilium totius Galliae in diem certam indicere idque Caesaris facere voluntate liceret: sese habere quasdam res quas ex communi consensu ab eo petere vellent. Ea re permissa diem concilio constituerunt et iure iurando ne quis enuntiaret, nisi quibus communi consilio mandatum esset, inter se sanxerunt.

Eng: They requested that a council of all Gaul be summoned on a specific day and that it be allowed to be done with Caesar's permission, as they had certain matters they wished to request from him by common agreement. After this was granted, they set a day for the council and solemnly swore among themselves not to reveal anything unless it had been ordered by common agreement.

华文: 他们请求凯撒指定一个特定的日期,让他们召开全高卢的会议,并且允许他们这么做:他们有某些事情是希望获得他们的共同同意来要求的。凯撒同意了这个请求,他们规定了召开会议的日期,并进行了誓言,除非已经得到了共同委托,否则不得泄露。

Commentary: The request for a council of all Gaul indicates the recognition of shared interests and concerns among the Gallic tribes, as well as a desire to engage in collective decision-making and representation.


[31] Eo concilio dimisso, idem princeps civitatum qui ante fuerant ad Caesarem reverterunt petieruntque uti sibi secreto in occulto de sua omniumque salute cum eo agere liceret. Ea re impetrata sese omnes flentes Caesari ad pedes proiecerunt: non minus se id contendere et laborare ne ea quae dixissent enuntiarentur quam uti ea quae vellent impetrarent, propterea quod, si enuntiatum esset, summum in cruciatum se venturos viderent.

Eng: After the council was dismissed, the same leaders of the cities who had previously gone to Caesar returned and asked if they could speak privately with him about their own and everyone's safety. Their request was granted, and they all fell weeping at Caesar's feet. They pleaded with him not to reveal what they had said, as they were just as determined to prevent its disclosure as they were to obtain what they desired. This was because, if it were revealed, they saw themselves as likely to suffer extreme torture.

华文: 那次会议结束后,之前来见过凯撒的各市州首领又回到了他的那里,请求能够私下与他商讨他们自己和大家的安危。得到凯撒的允许后,他们都跪在凯撒的脚前哭泣着。他们表示,他们不仅非常努力地保守他们商讨的事情不被泄露,而且也像争取自己的要求一样努力,因为如果事情被泄露出去,他们会面临最严酷的折磨。

Commentary: The Latin usage in the passage reflects the formal and diplomatic style often employed in official communications and interactions.


Locutus est pro his Diviciacus Haeduus: Galliae totius factiones esse duas; harum alterius principatum tenere Haeduos, alterius Arvernos. Hi cum tantopere de potentatu inter se multos annos contenderent, factum esse uti ab Arvernis Sequanisque Germani mercede arcesserentur.

Eng: Diviciacus, a Haeduan, spoke in support of them, saying that there are two factions in all of Gaul. The Haedui hold the leadership of one, while the Arverni hold that of the other. For many years, these two factions have been in fierce contention for power, resulting in the fact that Germans were hired by the Arverni and Sequani.

华文: 迪维库斯,海杜斯人为其辩护:整个高卢分为两个派别,其中一个由海杜斯人领导,另一个由阿尔韦尔人领导。由于这两个派别长期竞争权力,因此阿尔韦尔人和塞瓦纳人被雇佣为傭兵。

Commentary: During the Roman culture that developed during the Roman occupation of Gaul, many Gauls learned Latin and adopted Roman customs and practices, while still retaining their own cultural identity.


Horum primo circiter milia XV Rhenum transisse; postea quam agros et cultum et copias Gallorum homines feri ac barbari adamassent, traductos plures; nunc esse in Gallia ad C et XX milium numerum. Cum his Haeduos eorumque clientes semel atque iterum armis contendisse; magnam calamitatem pulsos accepisse, omnem nobilitatem, omnem senatum, omnem equitatum amisisse.

Eng: At first, about 15,000 of them crossed the Rhine, but as they became enamored with the lands, culture, and wealth of the Gauls, many more were recruited, and now there are around 120,000 in Gaul. The Haedui and their allies fought against them twice and suffered a great calamity, losing all their nobility, senate, and cavalry.

华文: 最初约有15,000人跨越莱茵河。之后,当野蛮和未开化的日耳曼人爱上了高卢的土地、农业和资源,越来越多的日耳曼人被引入高卢。现在在高卢的人数大约为120,000人。他们曾经与豪杜斯人及其客户进行过一次或两次武装冲突,遭受了重大损失,失去了所有的贵族、参议员和骑士。

Commentary: Gaul was known for its fertile lands, abundant natural resources, and well-developed agriculture. The Germanic tribes, who often lived in less resource-rich regions, were drawn to the prospect of settling in a land with ample food production and economic opportunities.


Quibus proeliis calamitatibusque fractos, qui et sua virtute et populi Romani hospitio atque amicitia plurimum ante in Gallia potuissent, coactos esse Sequanis obsides dare nobilissimos civitatis et iure iurando civitatem obstringere sese neque obsides repetituros neque auxilium a populo Romano imploraturos neque recusaturos quo minus perpetuo sub illorum dicione atque imperio essent.

Eng: Fractured by these battles and calamities, those who could have held a great deal of power in Gaul through their own bravery and the friendship and hospitality of the Roman people were forced to give hostages to the Sequani, the most noble of their city, and to bind their city by an oath that they would not demand the hostages back, would not seek aid from the Roman people, and would not refuse to be forever under their rule and dominion.

华文: 此前战斗和遭受的灾难使他们受挫,他们曾经在高卢享有很高的声望,这是由于他们的勇气和罗马人的款待和友谊。他们被逼向塞克瓦尼斯人提供了贵族人质并宣誓为国家承担责任,承诺不要求返还人质,不向罗马人求援,并且不会拒绝永远处于他们的支配和统治之下。

Commentary: Some archaic and poetic constructions are used in passage to add interest and variation. One example of this is the use of the ablative absolute construction, which was a common feature of archaic Latin. This construction is used several times in the passage, such as "locumque domicilio ex magna copia deligerent", which can be translated as "and choose a place from a great number as their home".


Unum se esse ex omni civitate Haeduorum qui adduci non potuerit ut iuraret aut liberos suos obsides daret. Ob eam rem se ex civitate profugisse et Romam ad senatum venisse auxilium postulatum, quod solus neque iure iurando neque obsidibus teneretur.

Eng: Diviciacus, in this case, claimed to be the only one from the entire Haeduan state who could not be persuaded to swear allegiance to the Arverni or to give his children as hostages. Because of this, he fled from his people and came to Rome to seek help from the Senate, as he alone could not be bound by either an oath or hostages.

华文: 但是对于战胜的塞瓦纳人来说,比战败的埃杜阿人更加不幸,因为日耳曼人的国王阿里奥维斯特已经在他们的土地上安家落户,并占据了塞瓦纳最好的土地,占据了整个高卢的三分之一。此外,他现在下令从另一侧腾出另外三分之一的土地给日耳曼人,因为几个月前已经有24,000名哈鲁德人前来投奔他,需要准备住处和居所。

Commentary: In Gallic tribes, oaths were considered a sacred and binding agreement. Breaking an oath was considered a grave offense and could lead to severe consequences, such as social exclusion or even death. Therefore, taking an oath was a serious matter and not to be taken lightly. In this passage, the Haeduian leader states that he is the only one in his tribe who was not willing to take an oath or give his children as hostages, which suggests that his refusal was not due to a lack of understanding of the importance of oaths in Gallic society.


Sed peius victoribus Sequanis quam Haeduis victis accidisse, propterea quod Ariovistus, rex Germanorum, in eorum finibus consedisset tertiamque partem agri Sequani, qui esset optimus totius Galliae, occupavisset et nunc de altera parte tertia Sequanos decedere iuberet, propterea quod paucis mensibus ante Harudum milia hominum XXIIII ad eum venissent, quibus locus ac sedes pararentur.

Eng: The Sequani, as victors, suffered worse than the defeated Haedui because Ariovistus, the king of the Germans, had settled in their territory and seized the third part of the Sequani's land, which was the best in the whole of Gaul. And now, he ordered them to move away from the other third of their land because, a few months earlier, 24,000 Harudes had come to him, for whom a place and seats were prepared.

华文: 但是,对于被打败的塞瓦尼人来说,比被打败的埃杜伊人更糟糕的事情发生了。这是因为日耳曼人国王阿里奥维斯特在他们的领土上扎营,并占据了整个高卢最好的土地——塞瓦尼的三分之一。他现在命令塞瓦尼人让出剩下的三分之一土地,因为几个月前,有24,000名哈鲁德人来找他,并要求为他们准备场所和住处。

Commentary: Germanic kings held more centralized and authoritarian power than the leaders of Gallic tribes. Germanic society was often organized along more hierarchical lines, with kings exercising considerable control over their subjects. By contrast, Gallic tribes were often organized along more decentralized lines, with various clan or family groups exerting influence and power.

Germanic kings were often seen as warlords who had achieved their power through military conquest and personal charisma, while Gallic leaders often held more traditional roles as chieftains or elders. Additionally, Germanic kings often relied on their personal retinues of warriors, while Gallic tribes often relied on their broader communities for military support.


Futurum esse paucis annis uti omnes ex Galliae finibus pellerentur atque omnes Germani Rhenum transirent; neque enim conferendum esse Gallicum cum Germanorum agro neque hanc consuetudinem victus cum illa comparandam.

Eng: It is likely that within a few years all would be driven out of the borders of Gaul and all the Germans would cross the Rhine, for the Gallic land cannot be compared with the German land, nor can this way of life be compared to that of the Germans.

华文: 未来几年内,可能会发生这样一种情况,即所有人都会被驱逐离开高卢领土,所有德国人都会跨越莱茵河。因为高卢的土地与德国的土地不可比拟,生活习惯也不可相提并论。

Commentary: This passage highlights the tension and competition between the Gallic tribes and the Germanic tribes. The Gallic tribes were largely agricultural and had a settled way of life, while the Germanic tribes were often more nomadic and relied heavily on hunting and raiding. The difference in lifestyle and resource use between these groups made conflict over land and resources more likely.


Ariovistum autem, ut semel Gallorum copias proelio vicerit, quod proelium factum sit ad Magetobrigam, superbe et crudeliter imperare, obsides nobilissimi cuiusque liberos poscere et in eos omnia exempla cruciatusque edere, si qua res non ad nutum aut ad voluntatem eius facta sit.

Eng: Ariovistus, however, once he had defeated the forces of the Gauls in battle, which had taken place at Magetobriga, ruled arrogantly and cruelly. He demanded hostages from the noblest of each one's children and inflicted all kinds of punishments and tortures on them if anything was not done according to his will or desire.

华文: 阿里约维斯特,一旦他在麦格托布里加打败了高卢军队,就会傲慢而残忍地统治,要求每个高贵家庭的人质,对他们进行所有的酷刑和惩罚,如果有任何事情不按照他的意愿或自己的利益,他会毫不犹豫地采取行动。

Commentary: At the time of the events described in the passage, the Germanic tribes, led by Ariovistus, were generally considered to be more powerful and militarily advanced than the Gallic tribes, led by the Haedui and Arverni. The Germanic tribes had a reputation for being fierce warriors, with highly disciplined armies and skilled cavalry. They also had access to advanced weaponry and tactics, such as the use of chariots and battle formations.


Hominem esse barbarum, iracundum, temerarium: non posse eius imperia diutius sustineri. Nisi quid in Caesare populoque Romano sit auxilii, omnibus Gallis idem esse faciendum quod Helvetii fecerint, ut domo emigrent, aliud domicilium, alias sedes, remotas a Germanis, petant fortunamque, quaecumque accidat, experiantur. Haec si enuntiata Ariovisto sint, non dubitare quin de omnibus obsidibus qui apud eum sint gravissimum supplicium sumat.

Eng: The man is said to be barbarous, irascible, and reckless, and his rule cannot be sustained for long. Unless there is some help for Caesar and the Roman people, all Gauls must do the same thing as the Helvetians did: leave their homeland, seek other dwelling places, far from the Germans, and try their luck, whatever happens. If these things are reported to Ariovistus, he will undoubtedly exact the heaviest penalty on all hostages who are in his possession.

华文: 他是一个野蛮、暴躁和鲁莽的人,他的统治不可能长久。除非凯撒和罗马人民能够提供援助,否则所有的高卢人都必须像赫尔维蒂人一样离开家园,寻找另一个地方居住,远离日耳曼人,尝试各种命运,无论发生什么事情都要去经历。如果这些话被告知给阿里奥维斯图姆听,他毫不犹豫地将对所有在他那里的人质进行最严厉的惩罚。

Commentary: This passage underscores the importance of Roman support in the region and the need for strategic alliances to counter the growing threat from the Germanic tribes. It is also reflective of the fluidity of the power dynamics at the period.


Caesarem vel auctoritate sua atque exercitus vel recenti victoria vel nomine populi Romani deterrere posse ne maior multitudo Germanorum Rhenum traducatur, Galliamque omnem ab Ariovisti iniuria posse defendere.

Eng: Caesar could be deterred from allowing a larger number of Germans to cross the Rhine and could defend all of Gaul against Ariovistus' injustices through his own authority and army, recent victories, and the reputation of the Roman people.

华文: 凯撒可以凭借自己的权威、军队的力量、最近的胜利以及罗马人民的声望,阻止更多的日耳曼人跨越莱茵河,保护整个高卢免受阿里奥维斯图姆的侵害。

Commentary: Caesar generally had the support of the Roman people in his campaigns against the Germanic tribes. By this point in history, Rome had established itself as a dominant power in Europe, and the Roman people were proud of their military might and conquests. Caesar was a celebrated military leader who had already achieved significant victories for Rome, and his campaigns in Gaul were seen as furthering the glory and expansion of Rome.