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De Bello Gallico, Liber Primus 27-29

English and Chinese Commentary

May 4, 2023

[27] Helvetii omnium rerum inopia adducti legatos de deditione ad eum miserunt. Qui cum eum in itinere convenissent seque ad pedes proiecissent suppliciterque locuti flentes pacem petissent, atque eos in eo loco quo tum essent suum adventum expectare iussisset, paruerunt.

Eng: The Helvetians, having been brought to a state of scarcity in all things, sent envoys to him about surrender. When they had met him on the march, had thrown themselves at his feet, and tearfully and humbly spoken, asking for peace, he commanded them to wait for his arrival in the place where they then were, and they obeyed.

华文: 因缺乏一切物资,瑞士人被迫派使者向凯撒请降。当使者们在途中会见他,跪伏在地,哭着恳求和平,他命令他们在原地等待他的到来,他们就遵从了。

Commentary: The envoys of the Helvetians threw themselves at Caesar's feet, which was a common act of submission in ancient times.

Caesar did not immediately accept the Helvetians' surrender but instead commanded them to wait for his arrival in the place where they were, demonstrating his authority and power over the defeated enemy.


Eo postquam Caesar pervenit, obsides, arma, servos qui ad eos perfugissent, poposcit. Dum ea conquiruntur et conferuntur, [nocte intermissa] circiter hominum milia VI eius pagi qui Verbigenus appellatur, sive timore perterriti, ne armis traditis supplicio adficerentur, sive spe salutis inducti, quod in tanta multitudine dediticiorum suam fugam aut occultari aut omnino ignorari posse existimarent, prima nocte e castris Helvetiorum egressi ad Rhenum finesque Germanorum contenderunt.

Eng: After Caesar arrived there, he demanded hostages, weapons, and slaves who had fled to them. While these were being searched for and collected, and [with a night having passed], around six thousand men of that canton which is called Verbigenus, either frightened by fear that they would be punished after handing over their weapons, or induced by the hope of safety, because they believed that their flight or concealment could be entirely hidden in such a great number of surrendering people, left the Helvetian camp during the first night and headed towards the Rhine and the lands of the Germans.

华文: 自凯撒到达后,要求提供人质、武器和投奔他们的奴隶。在寻找和整理这些东西的时候,因为担心投降后受到惩罚,或者因为相信自己可以获得安全,认为在这么多的投降者中他们的逃亡可以被掩盖或者完全被忽视,来自一个名为韦尔比格纳斯的部落大约六千人,在第一天夜里从瑞士人的营地出发前往莱茵河和德意志人的领地。

Commentary: The demand for weapons, hostages and slaves is a common practice in ancient warfare and was used to ensure the defeated party's compliance.


[28] Quod ubi Caesar resciit, quorum per fines ierant his uti conquirerent et reducerent, si sibi purgati esse vellent, imperavit; reductos in hostium numero habuit; reliquos omnes obsidibus, armis, perfugis traditis in deditionem accepit.

Eng: Upon learning this, Caesar ordered those who had gone through the territories of others to be sought out and brought back, if they wished to clear themselves. He counted those who returned among his enemies. He accepted the surrender of all the rest, with hostages, weapons, and deserters surrendered.

华文: 当凯撒得知此事后,命令那些通过他们领土的人去追查和带回他们,如果他们想要洗脱罪名,就接受他们的回归。他把那些回归的人视为敌人,接受了其他所有人的投降,要求他们提供人质、武器和逃亡者。

Commentary:When he learned that a group of Helvetians had fled to the Germans, he immediately took action to bring them back and punish them for their disloyalty. At the same time, he was willing to accept the surrender of those who remained and offer them terms of peace. This demonstrates his ability to balance firmness and compassion in his dealings with the enemy.


Helvetios, Tulingos, Latobrigos in fines suos, unde erant profecti, reverti iussit, et, quod omnibus frugibus amissis domi nihil erat quo famem tolerarent, Allobrogibus imperavit ut iis frumenti copiam facerent; ipsos oppida vicosque, quos incenderant, restituere iussit. Id ea maxime ratione fecit, quod noluit eum locum unde Helvetii discesserant vacare, ne propter bonitatem agrorum Germani, qui trans Rhenum incolunt, ex suis finibus in Helvetiorum fines transirent et finitimi Galliae provinciae Allobrogibusque essent.

Eng: Caesar also ordered the Helvetians, Tulingi, and Latobrigi to return to their own territories from where they had set out. As they had lost all their crops, they had nothing at home to endure hunger with. Therefore, he commanded the Allobroges to provide them with a supply of grain. He also ordered them to rebuild the towns and villages that they had burned down. He did this mainly because he did not want the area where the Helvetians had departed from to remain vacant. If the Germanic tribes, who lived beyond the Rhine, found this area fertile, they might cross into the territories of the Helvetians and become neighbors to the province of Gaul and the Allobroges, which Caesar wished to avoid.

华文: 当恐怖份子走了之后,凯撒命令赫尔维蒂人图林根人拉托布里戈人回到他们出发的地方,并命令阿洛布洛格人提供粮食,因为他们在家里失去了所有的谷物,没有什么可以承受饥饿。他命令他们恢复已经被他们烧毁的城镇和村庄。他这样做的主要原因是,他不想让那个地方被瑞士人离开,因为他担心跨越莱茵河居住的德国人会因为那个地方土地的肥沃而进入瑞士人的土地,成为高卢和Allobroges的邻居。

Commentary: Caesar was not only concerned with defeating his enemies in battle but also with stabilizing the region after the conflict. He recognised the importance of maintaining order and preventing further conflict, even if that meant providing aid to the defeated enemy. This approach was part of his larger strategy to consolidate power and expand Roman influence in Gaul.


Boios petentibus Haeduis, quod egregia virtute erant cogniti, ut in finibus suis conlocarent, concessit; quibus illi agros dederunt quosque postea in parem iuris libertatisque condicionem atque ipsi erant receperunt.

Eng: At the request of the Haedui, who were known for their outstanding courage, Caesar granted the Boii permission to settle in their own territory. The Haedui gave them land and they subsequently regained their former status of equal rights and freedoms.

华文: 当埃杜人向埃杜人请求能让他们定居在他们的领土上时,因为他们以其卓越的勇气而闻名,凯撒同意了他们的请求。埃杜人给他们分配了土地,后来波伊人也像他们一样,享有同等的法律和自由条件。

Commentary: The Boii were a Celtic tribe who had been displaced from their original homeland in modern-day Czech Republic by the Germanic tribes. They had settled in the territory of the Helvetii, but were forced to leave when the Helvetii began their migration.

Caesar's decision to allow the Boii to settle in the Haedui territory was significant for several reasons. Firstly, it showed his willingness to reward and protect those who were loyal to him, as the Haedui had been a steadfast ally throughout his campaigns in Gaul. Secondly, it allowed the Boii to regain their former status and way of life, which they had lost due to the migrations and wars.

Finally, it also had strategic implications, as it prevented the Germanic tribes from expanding into the territory previously occupied by the Boii, which could have posed a threat to the Roman province of Gaul and its allies. Overall, Caesar's decision to allow the Boii to settle in Haedui territory was a shrewd move that helped to strengthen his position in Gaul.


[29] In castris Helvetiorum tabulae repertae sunt litteris Graecis confectae et ad Caesarem relatae, quibus in tabulis nominatim ratio confecta erat, qui numerus domo exisset eorum qui arma ferre possent, et item separatim, quot pueri, senes mulieresque.

Eng: Tablets were found in the camp of the Helvetians, written in Greek letters, and reported to Caesar, in which a detailed account was made of the number of those who were able to bear arms and separately, how many children, old men, and women there were, who had left their home.

华文: 赫尔维蒂人的营地里发现了一些用希腊文写的记录,已被转交给凯撒。这些记录中详细列出了可携带武器的家庭成员数量,以及分别列出的男女老少人口数量。

Commentary: The tablets, written in Greek, showed that the Helvetians had a sophisticated system of record-keeping and organization.

The usage of Greek also suggests that they had some level of contact with the Greek civilization or had learned the Greek alphabet from traders or mercenaries. It is also possible that the tablets were written by a Greek-speaking scribe hired by the Helvetians to assist with record-keeping.


[Quarum omnium rerum] summa erat capitum Helvetiorum milium CCLXIII, Tulingorum milium XXXVI, Latobrigorum XIIII, Rauracorum XXIII, Boiorum XXXII; ex his qui arma ferre possent ad milia nonaginta duo. Summa omnium fuerunt ad milia CCCLXVIII. Eorum qui domum redierunt censu habito, ut Caesar imperaverat, repertus est numerus milium C et X.

Eng: The total number of individuals in the Helvetian camp was 263,000, 36,000 Tulingi, 14,000 Latobrigi, 23,000 Rauraci, and 32,000 Boii. Of these, the number of those who could bear arms was 92,000. The total number of all of them was 368,000. When a census was taken of those who had returned home, as Caesar had commanded, the number found was 110,000.

华文: 所有这些事情的总数是:赫尔维蒂人有263, 图林根人有36, 拉托布里戈人有14, 劳拉克人有23, 波伊人有32,其中可以携带武器的人是9920人。总人数是368000。当进行人口普查后回到家中的人数是110000人,正如凯撒所要求的。