De Bello Gallico, Liber Primus 18-19

English and Chinese Commentary

· De Bello Gallico,English,华文,Latin,Translations

[18] Caesar hac oratione Lisci Dumnorigem, Diviciaci fratrem, designari sentiebat, sed, quod pluribus praesentibus eas res iactari nolebat, celeriter concilium dimittit, Liscum retinet. Quaerit ex solo ea quae in conventu dixerat. Dicit liberius atque audacius. Eadem secreto ab aliis quaerit; reperit esse vera:

Eng: Caesar sensed that by Liscus' speech, he was pointing to Dumnorix, the brother of Diviciacus, but as he did not want to create a commotion in the presence of many, he quickly dismissed the assembly and detained Liscus. He questioned him alone about what he had said in the meeting. Liscus spoke more freely and boldly. Caesar also questioned others about the matter in private and found out that it was true.

华文: 凯撒听到利斯库斯的发言感到杜姆诺力克斯被指为叛徒,他是狄维切阿库斯 的兄弟。但是,由于不想让更多的人知道这些事情,他迅速结束了会议,留下了利斯库斯。他从利斯库斯那里询问了会议上说的内容,利斯库斯以更自由和大胆的口气回答了他。他暗地里问其他人,发现利斯库斯的话是真实的。

Commentary: Diviciacus had accompanied Caesar on his expeditions and had even been granted Roman citizenship. Beyond this, there is little known about Liscus, including his origins, family, or subsequent activities after the Gallic Wars. However, his bravery and loyalty to Caesar in exposing a traitor within his own tribe have earned him a place in history as a key figure in the Roman conquest of Gaul.


ipsum esse Dumnorigem, summa audacia, magna apud plebem propter liberalitatem gratia, cupidum rerum novarum. Complures annos portoria reliquaque omnia Haeduorum vectigalia parvo pretio redempta habere, propterea quod illo licente contra liceri audeat nemo.

Eng: that Dumnorix was a man of great audacity, who had a high standing among the people because of his generosity and was eager for change. It was said that for many years he had bought up the tolls and other Haeduan revenues at a low price, and that no one dared to bid against him when he was present.

华文: 他非常大胆,由于他的慷慨,享有人民的高度好感,他渴望新事物。他多年来以很低的价格购买了豪杜人的关卡税和其他所有税收,因为只有在他的允许下才敢与之竞争。

Commentary: Despite his political ambitions, Dumnorix was also a skilled warrior and leader. He fought bravely alongside his brother in several battles against the Germanic tribes and was known for his daring and audacious tactics.

Dumnorix's legacy continued after his death. He became a symbol of resistance against Roman domination in Gaul and was celebrated by later generations of Gauls as a hero who had fought for the freedom of his people.


His rebus et suam rem familiarem auxisse et facultates ad largiendum magnas comparasse; magnum numerum equitatus suo sumptu semper alere et circum se habere, neque solum domi, sed etiam apud finitimas civitates largiter posse, atque huius potentiae causa matrem in Biturigibus homini illic nobilissimo ac potentissimo conlocasse; ipsum ex Helvetiis uxorem habere, sororum ex matre et propinquas suas nuptum in alias civitates conlocasse.

Eng: Through these actions, he had not only increased his personal wealth, but also acquired significant resources for lavish spending. He maintained a large cavalry at his own expense, and had the ability to generously distribute his wealth not only among his own people, but also among neighboring communities. His power was such that he had even placed his mother with a highly noble and powerful man in the Bituriges region. Moreover, he had married a woman from among the Helvetii, and had arranged marriages for his sisters and other close female relatives in other cities.

华文: 其为人极其胆大,深得民心,因其慷慨大方而备受推崇。他通过这些手段提高了个人的财富和影响力,并能够以自己的费用维持大量骑兵,并拥有巨大的势力范围,不仅可以在家中大肆挥霍,还能在周边城邦慷慨解囊。为了增强他的权力,他还将他的母亲嫁给了一个在比图利吉部族地位最高、最有权势的人,自己则与一个瑞士部落的女子结婚,并将他的姐妹和亲戚嫁娶到其他城邦。

Commentary: The phrase "suam rem familiarem auxisse" is an example of a pleonasm, which is a rhetorical device in which a word is repeated for emphasis. In this case, the phrase means "to have increased his own personal property".

The phrase "neque solum domi, sed etiam apud finitimas civitates largiter posse" is an example of chiasmus, which is a literary device in which words or phrases are repeated in reverse order for emphasis. In this case, the phrase means "to be able to be generous not only at home but also among neighboring communities".


Favere et cupere Helvetiis propter eam adfinitatem, odisse etiam suo nomine Caesarem et Romanos, quod eorum adventu potentia eius deminuta et Diviciacus frater in antiquum locum gratiae atque honoris sit restitutus. Si quid accidat Romanis, summam in spem per Helvetios regni obtinendi venire; imperio populi Romani non modo de regno, sed etiam de ea quam habeat gratia desperare.

Eng: He had been favoring and desiring the Helvetians on account of his relationship with them, and also personally hating Caesar and the Romans because their arrival had diminished his power and restored his brother, Diviciacus, to his former position of influence and honor. If anything should happen to the Romans, he saw a great opportunity to gain control through the Helvetians, and did not only hope to gain the kingdom, but also believed that he had no hope of receiving any favor from the Roman people.

华文: 因为和赫尔维蒂人结亲,所以支持并希望他们成功。对于凯撒和罗马人,因为他们的到来削弱了他的权力,同时也因为他的兄弟迪维凯乌斯回到了他的荣誉和地位,而对他们怀有敌意。如果发生了对罗马人不利的事情,他有很大的希望通过赫尔维蒂人获得掌权的机会。他不仅放弃了对王位的希望,甚至放弃了他所拥有的罗马人的好感。

Commentary: Favere et cupere Helvetiis: "to favor and desire the Helvetians" - this is a combination of two verbs in the infinitive form, "favere" meaning "to favor" or "to support," and "cupere" meaning "to desire" or "to want."

"imperio populi Romani" means "the rule of the Roman people"

"de ea quam habeat gratia" means "of the influence it has," and "desperare" means "to despair."

These shows the immense power of the Roman empire as well as the complex political and social relationships between the various tribes and the Roman Republic during this period.

Reperiebat etiam in quaerendo Caesar, quod proelium equestre adversum paucis ante diebus esset factum, initium eius fugae factum a Dumnorige atque eius equitibus (nam equitatui, quem auxilio Caesari Haedui miserant, Dumnorix praeerat): eorum fuga reliquum esse equitatum perterritum.

Eng: Caesar found out, while investigating, that in the cavalry battle that took place a few days ago, the beginning of the flight was made by Dumnorix and his horsemen (since Dumnorix was in command of the cavalry, which the Haedui had sent to Caesar): their flight caused the rest of the cavalry to be terrified.

华文: 凯撒在调查中也发现,就在几天前曾发生过一场骑兵战,而最初的溃败源于杜姆诺力克和他的骑兵(因为在凯撒请求下提供给他的骑兵中,杜姆诺力克被委以指挥权),他们的溃败导致了剩余的骑兵感到惊恐。

Commentary: Dumnorix 's ability to provide for and maintain a large number of cavalry at his own expense also demonstrated his wealth and influence.


[19] Quibus rebus cognitis, cum ad hassuspiciones certissimae res accederent, quod per fines Sequanorum Helvetios traduxisset, quod obsides inter eos dandos curasset, quod ea omnia non modo iniussu suo et civitatis sed etiam inscientibus ipsis fecisset, quod a
magistratu Haeduorum accusaretur, satis esse causae arbitrabatur quare in eum aut ipse animadverteret aut civitatem animadvertere iuberet.

Eng: With these things having been learned, when the most certain suspicions were added, that he had led the Helvetii through the territory of the Sequani, that he had arranged for hostages to be given among them, that he had done all these things not only without his own state's and without the citizens' knowledge, but also against their will, and that he was accused by the magistrates of the Haedui, he considered there to be sufficient reason why he should punish him either himself or order the state to do so.

华文: 凯撒考虑到这些情况,加之他已知道了那些最为可靠的信息,就是因为他已经把赫尔维蒂人通过塞康纳人的领土引进了高卢地区,准备交换人质。凯撒还知道,这一切并不是出于自己或是他的国家的意愿,甚至这些计划是在这些国家不知情的情况下完成的。另外,凯撒还因为被海杜党派的官员指控而倍感压力。这一切,足以让他采取自我约束措施,或是命令国家对他进行严惩。

Commentary: Caesar lists several reasons why he suspected Dumnorix of treachery, including that he had facilitated the passage of the Helvetii through Haeduan territory, arranged for hostages to be exchanged between the two tribes, and acted without the consent of the Haeduan magistrates.


His omnibus rebus unum repugnabat, quod Diviciaci fratris summum in populum Romanum studium, summum in se voluntatem, egregiam fidem, iustitiam, temperantiam cognoverat; nam ne eius supplicio Diviciaci animum offenderet verebatur. Itaque prius quam quicquam conaretur, Diviciacum ad se vocari iubet et, cotidianis interpretibus remotis, per C. Valerium Troucillum, principem Galliae provinciae, familiarem suum, cui summam omnium rerum fidem habebat, cum eo conloquitur;

Eng: All these things were pointing towards one thing, that he had led the Helvetians through the territory of the Sequani, had arranged for hostages to be given among them, had done all these things not only without his own and his state's orders, but even without their knowledge, and was accused by the magistrates of the Haedui. Caesar considered all of this sufficient reason why he should take action against him either himself or should order his state to do so. However, one thing was standing in the way of all of this, namely, that he had known the highest level of loyalty, willingness and good faith towards the Roman people, as well as outstanding justice and moderation, in his brother Diviciacus; for he feared that Diviciacus would be offended by his brother's punishment. Therefore, before attempting anything else, he ordered Diviciacus to be summoned to him and, with daily interpreters removed, he talked with him through C. Valerius Troucillus, the chief of the Gallic province, his friend, to whom he had the highest level of trust in all matters.

华文: 所有这些事情中有一件事情让他犹豫不决,那就是他知道狄维切阿库斯兄弟对罗马人民有极高的热情和支持,对自己兄弟的忠诚、公正、节制也非常了解;因此,他担心对杜姆诺力克斯的惩罚会伤害到狄维切阿库斯的情感。因此,在任何尝试之前,他命令召见狄维切阿库斯,并通过瓦莱留斯·特劳基卢斯,高卢省的首领和他的亲密朋友,而不是每日的翻译,与他进行了交谈。

Commentary: The use of interpreters and mediators in communication between different cultures and languages is also emphasized in the passage, with Caesar relying on his trusted interpreter C. Valerius Troucillus to communicate with Diviciacus.

Interpreters were individuals who were fluent in both Latin and the language of the people with whom the Romans were communicating. They were often used in diplomatic missions and negotiations. These interpreters were highly skilled and were trained to not only translate words but also convey meaning and intent accurately.

Mediators, on the other hand, were individuals who acted as intermediaries between the Romans and the people they encountered. They were often locals who spoke both Latin and the local language and were familiar with the customs and culture of both sides. Mediators played an essential role in helping to resolve conflicts, negotiate treaties, and establish trade relations.

Both interpreters and mediators were highly valued in ancient Rome, and they played an important role in facilitating communication and diplomatic relations between different cultures and languages.


simul commonefacit quae ipsopraesente in concilio [Gallorum] de Dumnorige sint dicta, et ostendit quae separatim quisque de eo apud se dixerit. Petitatque hortatur ut sine eius offensione animi vel ipse de eo causa cognita statuat vel civitatem statuere iubeat.

Eng: At the same time, he reminded [Diviciacus] of what had been said about Dumnorix in the council [of the Gauls], in the presence of Caesar himself, and showed what each person had separately said about him. He asked and encouraged [Diviciacus] to decide the case without offending him, or to order the state to decide it, once the case had been heard.

华文: 同时他提醒了德洛西勒斯他当时在加尔人的会议上关于 杜姆诺力克说过的话,并展示了每个人私下里关于他所说的话。他请求并鼓励德洛西勒斯,要么在知道事情真相的情况下做出对 杜姆诺力克的决定,要么命令城市做出决定,但不要冒犯他的情绪。

Commentary: By approaching him directly and showing him that he was aware of the conversations that had taken place in the council, Caesar was able to gain his trust and persuade him to take action against Dumnorix.

Caesar was a skilled orator who knew how to use rhetoric to his advantage. He was able to speak in a way that captivated his audience, using vivid language and emotional appeals to convince them of his point of view.

In ancient Rome, the art of oration, or public speaking, was considered a crucial skill for those in positions of power, such as politicians, lawyers, and military leaders. Education in oration typically began in childhood, with children being taught grammar, rhetoric, and composition. These skills were further honed through advanced study in rhetoric and public speaking during young adulthood.

The study of oration was also closely tied to the legal system in ancient Rome. Lawyers were expected to be skilled in the art of persuasion, and their success in court often depended on their ability to sway a judge or jury through their words and arguments.