[12] Flumen est Arar, quod per fines Haeduorum et Sequanorum in Rhodanum influit, incredibili lenitate, ita ut oculis in utram partem fluat iudicari non possit. Id Helvetii ratibus ac lintribus iunctis transibant. Ubi per exploratores Caesar certior factus est tres iam partes copiarum Helvetios id flumen traduxisse, quartam vero partem citra flumen Ararim reliquam esse, de tertia vigilia cum legionibus tribus e castris profectus ad eam partem pervenit quae nondum flumen transierat.
Eng: The river Arar flows through the territories of the Haedui and Sequani and flows into the Rhone with such remarkable smoothness that it cannot be judged by the eyes which way it flows. The Helvetii crossed it by means of boats and rafts joined together. When Caesar was informed by his scouts that three parts of the Helvetian forces had already crossed the river, but that the fourth part was left behind on this side of the river Arar, he set out at the third watch with three legions from the camp and arrived at that part which had not yet crossed the river.
华文: 阿拉尔河,它流经埃杜阿和塞康地区,并注入罗讷河,其流速极为缓慢,以至于无法通过肉眼判断其流向。赫尔维蒂人通过筏子和小船跨越了这条河流。当凯撒通过侦察兵得知,已经有三个希尔维蒂部落的部队渡过了这条河,而第四个部落仍停留在河的这一侧时,他带领着三个军团于第三更从营地出发,到达了那些尚未渡过河流的希尔维蒂部落。
Commentary: The river Arar was a significant waterway during Caesar's time, and it played a crucial role in several military campaigns in Gaul. It was navigable for most of its length and connected the Mediterranean to the interior of Gaul. It was also an important transportation route for both trade and military expeditions.
The method used by the Helvetians to cross the river Arar was innovative and practical. They joined their boats and rafts together to create a makeshift bridge, which allowed them to cross the river quickly. In addition, the river Arar's leniency was a significant challenge for Caesar's forces, as they found it challenging to judge the direction of the current. This made it difficult to predict where the Helvetians were going to land.
Eos impeditos et inopinantes adgressus magnam partem eorum concidit; reliqui sese fugae mandarunt atque in proximas silvas abdiderunt. Is pagus appellabatur Tigurinus; nam omnis civitas Helvetia in quattuor pagos divisa est. Hic pagus unus, cum domo exisset, patrum nostrorum memoria L. Cassium consulem interfecerat et eius exercitum sub iugum miserat.
Eng: Having attacked them unexpectedly while they were impeded, a great part of them were cut down, and the rest surrendered to flight and hid themselves in the nearest woods. This tribe was called the Tigurine; for all the Helvetian state is divided into four tribes. This tribe, when they had set out from home, had slain, in the memory of our fathers, Lucius Cassius the consul and had sent his army under the yoke.
华文: 凯撒趁其措手不及袭击了他们,摧毁了他们的大部分军队;剩下的人逃向森林中躲藏。这个部落被称为提格林努斯部落,因为整个赫尔维蒂部落分为四个部落。在过去,这个部落曾经出兵攻击罗马,杀死了罗马的总督卢修斯·卡西乌斯,并将他的军队屈服在战车之下。
Commentary: The Tigurines had a long history of conflict with the Roman Republic, and they had previously defeated and humiliated a Roman consul, L. Cassius Longinus, in battle. This event was still remembered by Caesar's soldiers and likely motivated them in their attack on the Tigurines.
The reference to the "yoke" in the passage is significant, as it was a common practice in ancient Rome to humiliate defeated enemies by making them pass under a yoke made of spears. This symbolized the submission of the defeated enemy to the victor.
Ita sive casu sive consilio deorum immortalium quae pars civitatis Helvetiae insignem calamitatem populo Romano intulerat, ea princeps poenam persolvit. Qua in re Caesar non solum publicas, sed etiam privatas iniurias ultus est, quod eius soceri L. Pisonis avum, L. Pisonem legatum, Tigurini eodem proelio quo Cassium interfecerant.
Eng: Thus, whether by chance or by the plan of the immortal gods, that part of the Helvetian state which had brought a remarkable calamity upon the Roman people, paid the penalty first. In this matter, Caesar avenged not only public but also personal wrongs, because the Tigurini had killed his father-in-law's grandfather, Lucius Piso, a legate, in the same battle in which they had killed Cassius.
华文: 这样,无论是出于上天的意志,还是出于巧合,赫尔维蒂部落对罗马人民带来了重大的灾难,而他们最先承担了惩罚。在此事中,凯撒不仅为公共的冤屈复仇,也为个人的冤屈复仇,因为提格林努斯部落在同一场战斗中杀死了他岳父卢修斯·皮索的祖父,即卢修斯·皮索军团的副官。
Commentary: The belief in the influence of the gods on human affairs was a common one in ancient Rome and was reflected in many aspects of Roman religion and culture. Caesar's reference to "divine providence" in the passage is an example of this belief and suggests that he saw the Helvetian migration as a punishment inflicted by the gods for their transgressions.
[13] Hoc proelio facto, reliquas copias Helvetiorum ut consequi posset, pontem in Arari faciendum curat atque ita exercitum traducit. Helvetii repentino eius adventu commoti cum id quod ipsi diebus XX aegerrime confecerant, ut flumen transirent, illum uno die fecisse intellegerent, legatos ad eum mittunt; cuius legationis Divico princeps fuit, qui bello Cassiano dux Helvetiorum fuerat.
Eng: Having fought this battle, in order to pursue the remaining forces of the Helvetii, Caesar ordered a bridge to be built over the Arar and thus led his army across it. The Helvetii, alarmed by his sudden arrival, sent envoys to him, realizing that what they themselves had accomplished with great difficulty in 20 days, he had done in one day. The leader of this embassy was Divico, who had been the commander of the Helvetii in the war against Cassius. (107 BCE)
华文: 在这场战斗之后,为了能追上赫尔维蒂部落的余部,凯撒命令修建阿拉河上的桥梁,并领军渡河。赫尔维蒂人惊讶于凯撒的突然出现,他们自己艰难地度过了20天才完成的渡河,而凯撒却只用了一天,这让他们非常震惊。于是他们派遣使者前往求和,该使者团的领袖是迪维科,他曾是在卡西乌斯之战中领导赫尔维蒂部落的将领。
Commentary: Caesar's decision to build a bridge across the Arar and cross in one day was a risky move, as it exposed his army to attack and cut off his supply lines. However, it also allowed him to surprise the Helvetians and catch them off guard. In addition, Caesar's use of a single bridge to cross the river Arar was a testament to his engineering skills and strategic vision. He was able to build the bridge quickly and efficiently, despite the difficult terrain and adverse weather conditions.
The Helvetians' decision to send a delegation to Caesar after the battle was a sign of their respect for his military prowess and leadership.
Is ita cum Caesare egit: si pacem populus Romanus cum Helvetiis faceret, in eam partem ituros atque ibi futuros Helvetios ubi eos Caesar constituisset atque esse voluisset; sin bello persequi perseveraret, reminisceretur et veteris incommodi populi Romani et pristinae virtutis Helvetiorum. Quod improviso unum pagum adortus esset, cum ii qui flumen transissent suis auxilium ferre non possent, ne ob eam rem aut suae magnopere virtuti tribueret aut ipsos despiceret. Se ita a patribus maioribusque suis didicisse, ut magis virtute contenderent quam dolo aut insidiis niterentur.
Eng: He negotiated with Caesar in the following manner: if the Roman people were to make peace with the Helvetii, they would go and dwell wherever Caesar designated and desired the Helvetii to be; but if Caesar persisted in waging war, he should recall both the ancient disaster of the Roman people and the former valor of the Helvetii. He should not attach either too much importance to their own great valor because he had attacked one tribe unexpectedly, while those who had crossed the river could not bring them aid, or look down on them. He had learned from his forefathers and ancestors to strive more by valor than by deceit or treachery.
华文: 迪维科这样向凯撒表达:如果罗马人民与赫尔维蒂人民和平相处,赫尔维蒂人民将前往并居住在凯撒所指定和允许的地方;但是,如果凯撒坚持发动战争,他应该记住罗马人民曾经遭受过的伤害,同时也应该牢记赫尔维蒂人民的往日英勇事迹。在此次战斗中,凯撒突袭了他们的一个村落,而那些已经渡过河的赫尔维蒂人无法提供支援。然而,迪维科强调说,他们的祖先教导他们更注重勇气而非诡计和阴谋。
Commentary: The Helvetians' preference for open battle and direct confrontation over deception and guile was a reflection of their cultural values and traditions. They prided themselves on their bravery and honor, and saw warfare as a means of demonstrating their martial prowess and defending their territory.
This passage also highlights the importance of diplomacy and negotiation in ancient warfare. Despite their differences, Caesar and Divico were able to engage in a civil conversation and discuss their respective positions in a relatively peaceful manner.
Quare ne committeret ut is locus ubi constitissent ex calamitate populi Romani et internecione exercitus nomen caperet aut memoriam proderet.
Eng: Therefore, he urged Caesar not to allow the place where they had settled to acquire a reputation or memory of calamity and the annihilation of a Roman army.
华文: 因此,他们不希望他们定居的地方因罗马人民的灾难和军队的死亡而蒙受不幸,也不希望这个地方成为悼念和痛苦的纪念碑。
Commentary: Interestingly, after defeating the Helvetii, Caesar established a military base at the site of their former camp. The location eventually became the Roman city of Noviodunum, which is now modern-day Nyon in Switzerland. Despite the Helvetii's warning, the site did become associated with their defeat and the Roman conquest of their territory.